
[Architect's handwriting] How to master construction equipment, the hottest technical certificate these days!

7 chapters · 38 hours 10 minutes
English · Japanese · Korean|Audio Korean

Skills You’ll Learn

Your successful partner, Sungan-dang e-learning

Solve basic theory and related problems in construction equipment subjects!

The number of test takers in 2020 is about 30,000!

Reaching the top number of receptionists in the article field. Congratulations, article, company!

Are you aiming to get a certificate as an architect this year?

If you are an architectural engineer, it is one of the basic certifications you must get in order to get a job <Architect>

Recently, the building law was revised, and the law was strengthened to require a construction engineer and site manager for small buildings with a total floor area of 660 square meters or less, and to impose a penalty if the site manager leaves. To strengthen safety management for small buildings and prevent poor construction Managed by a supervisor directly designated by the licenseeIt's about doing it.

hereto As demand for architecture-related certifications increases more and more, the number of test takers will continue to increaseSo if you want to get a job in the construction field, I definitely recommend getting an architect.

✅ Are you preparing an architect and want to study by subject?

✅ Are you finding it difficult to study alone and want expert help?

Our architect lecturer at Seongan-dang is the best lecturer specializing in construction in the business, especially in charge of construction facilities Professor Ahn Byeong-kwan has qualifications as a construction engineer, construction safety engineer, and international engineer, and is the representative of our construction faculty I'm also a professor.

Let's check out Professor Ahn Byeong-kwan's architectural engineer learning strategy.

🧏🏻 Architect_Building Equipment PART learning strategies, check out the video ▼

Architects, rather than just memorizing random entries like before Studying strategically and passing all at onceThis is necessary. Establishing a target score and making sure to put it into practice must be carried out in parallel to get closer to passing. Written exam below Scoring strategies based on the characteristics of each subjectPlease check it out.

Seongan-dang e-Learning Architect Course

What's more special than the other courses?

📍 Construction equipment courses Solve basic theory and related problemsI did.

📍 Years of construction subjects Reexamination of theoretical learning through formative assessmentI made it possible to do it.

📍 Construction equipment Clearly dissect and solve the latest issuesI did.

(The previous questions are included in the configuration from 2017 to 2021!)

Architect qualification exam Scientific teaching and learning methods for easy and quick learning and acquisitionThis is the latest course fully organized using!

This class Study the construction equipment course, which is one of the 5 handwriting courses for architectsSince it is a class that consists of a cost-effective course and the best lecturers in the business, I hope that many students will be helped by this course!

What are the career and employment prospects?

Construction site architect offices of general or specialized construction companies, service companies, construction companies It is possible to enter, etc., and the trend of low interest rates has continued recently, and due to increasing factors such as revitalization of private rental business, relaxation of subscription qualifications for private housing that allows the reconstruction of small-scale apartment houses, and withdrawal of tax increase policies for large luxury housing The demand for manpower for those who have obtained the qualification of an architect will continue to increaseIt's a view called.

👍 Successful mates who want to meet more successful students <Sungan-dang e-learning>

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Architect's Handwriting_Building Equipment Lecture This is a course book.

✅ It's an essential textbook for taking lectures Personally preparedPlease do it.

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BM Certificate

BM Certificate

Established in 1973, Sungandang e-Learning Co., Ltd., a publishing company that has been growing by publishing national technical qualification education books for 40 years until now, plans and develops courses based on the experience and foundation of publishing various exam books and textbooks, and currently covers more than 70 qualification subjects including technology/engineering, computer/IT, and language studies.

Recently, as interest in technical engineering certifications has increased, I would like to share the joy of passing with many students.



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