4 ways not to be swayed by others <Know-how based on actual experience>

1 chapters · 24 minutes
English · Japanese · Korean|Audio Korean

Hello everyone

I'm a creator celldad who puts ideas into practice.

4 ways to not be swayed by others

The 4 ways in this video

It's a know-how I've learned and used firsthand through experience.

I think a lot of people are probably interested in this topic.

In order to live in the world, it is essential to socialize with people.

You have to bump into people.

The stress caused by this is a serious illness for modern people.

Aren't you stressed when it comes to relationships too?

I don't have a constitution that likes dealing with people.

Nor is he a good talker.

I'm an introvert and like to do things alone.

The only reason I've been in business for over 10 years

This is because I was able to earn more money than the average office worker.

Fortunately, I wasn't around to talk, but it took more than “money.”

I had a habit of doing it somehow, so I continued for over 10 years.

I worked in sales dealing with people for such a long time

I have felt a lot about people.

What kind of people are swayed by others?

People who are well-behaved by others.

Most of the things I've felt through my experience are better than my opponent

Good or

Are you very considerate

You don't want to hurt others

They were people with emotional tendencies.

People who wield others.

Gaslighting people.

What are the characteristics of these people

Clever and clever

I know how to use the other person's psychology

Be infinitely kind to people who are stronger than you

For those who are weaker than themselves, they treat their opponents like a serpent.

trying to keep the weak under their control

It isolates them.

Make them stay away from friends and colleagues through separation

As if I were a very good and righteous person

Control that person by packing.

If there are people around you who are good at gaslighting like this

Such a person should be very alert.

A wolf in sheep's mask

The word comes to mind.

gas lighting

What does this word mean

psychologically control and isolate the other person

It refers to controlling according to one's own will.

I learned how to deal with this kind of person through experience

I found out.

Also, they interfere with matters, and nag

To someone who says or does something that crosses the line

I also prevented them from doing that again.

Evaluate and treat others according to your own standards

Are there people around you who treat you carelessly?

If so, be sure to watch this video.

Here's a summary of what I've actually experienced

Here are 4 ways you can help.

4 ways to not be swayed by others

This is what the video covers.

  1. How to deal with a rude person
  2. Characteristics of people who use gas lighting
  3. How to deal with gaslighting
  4. How to ignore others' opinions
  5. 7:3 Thinking method

Who is recommended to watch the video

  1. People who are currently being gaslighted
  2. People who have trouble treating themselves around them
  3. People who are easily shaken by other people's words
  4. Those who want to know how to deal with rude people
  5. Those who want to express their opinions anytime, anywhere

Don't be swayed by what others say.

Don't get hit on by rude people.

Don't be swayed by people who are gaslighting.

Your precious life.

Your precious time.

Your precious thoughts.

The precious treasure given to you

Don't waste it on useless things.

We support your happy life.

It's Whiting!

-Cell dad posted-



Sel Daddy

Sel Daddy

Hello everyone

I'm a creator celldad who puts ideas into practice.

남에게 휘둘리지 않는 4가지 방법

▶ 4 ways not to be swayed by others

I have over 10 years of experience in sales.

When I work to meet people every day, it's natural

I learned a lot about the psychology and behavior patterns of people.

While living a social life,

And I met so many people

I want to share with you what I've learned through practical experience.

Thank you

-Cell dad posted-



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