
100% student satisfaction! R Data Analysis from the Basics - An Introduction

17 chapters
English · Japanese · Korean|Audio Korean

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Skills You’ll Learn

Data analysis process

Learn about the data analysis process

Statistical processing of data using R

It deals with data preprocessing and statistical value derivation using the statistical program R

Create reports and dashboards

It covers creating analytical reports and dashboards for results reports

I know data analysis is hot,

Why do we need to know how to analyze data?

01 업무 능력 향상, 상사의 인정은 덤!

▶ 01 Improving work ability, recognition from the boss is a bonus!

Many companies want data analytics knowledge holders. Even if the main job right now isn't data analysis, we prefer applicants who can see and interpret data based on insight into their work.

02 사회 현상에 대한 통계적 접근 방식

▶ 02 Statistical approach to social phenomena

In solving various problems in our society, the importance of supporting statistics has grown.

A correct perspective on distorted social issuesLook at it with, so as not to get carried away by the opinions of either party In order to have a clear sense of one's own subjectivityIt is important to have a perspective that can look at data and have statistical knowledge.

03 빠르고 효율적인 업무 처리 능력

▶ 03 Ability to process tasks quickly and efficiently

If your main job isn't data analysis, you can also ask a data analyst to do data analysis work. However, for data analysts who get requests from many departments, our work may not rank first.

Also, even if you request data analysis from the relevant departments, It's hard to get 100% satisfactory results because we don't have a clear idea of what we want.

If you have data analysis knowledge ① Can perform direct statistical processingOf course, even if I request a job, I can clearly communicate my purpose ② Fast mutual communicationwith ③ Satisfaction with resultsIt will also increase.

So why learn R?

R is a language for data analysis only.

It is more specialized in statistics than other languages, and has the advantage of supporting various visualizations. The intuitive and easy syntax is also an advantage. It is characterized by an intuitive syntax that allows you to infer rough details by looking at the code, even if you haven't learned R grammar specifically.

If you want to analyze data, if data analysis is your only purpose, R will be the best tool for you.

The person who is most confident in teaching R,

This is Doublek Park.

I majored in statistics and mainly worked on data analysis and development. Currently, I am studying for my PhD at the Graduate School of Technology to live a life with a high degree of freedom.

Starting with 1:1 customized data analysis & R lessons in '17, we are currently outsourcing data analysis and conducting lessons. I collected all the questions many people had and wrote “Must Learn with R” on WikiDogs, and in '21, I added practical content and published “Data Analysis with R through Practical Projects” on Wikibooks.

Also, this year, I prepared an R data analysis class with class 101 to meet more people and solve their questions about R data analysis based on my experience of more than 100 lectures.

  • Present) Data Science & Engineering Ph.D. Program
  • Present) More than 100 tutoring platforms, data analysis & R lessons
  • Wikibooks published “Learning Data Analysis with R through Practical Projects”

두 개의 책을 집필하며 얻었던 인사이트를 클래스에 모두 녹여냈습니다.

▶ I incorporated all the insights I gained from writing two books into the class.

※ This class is linked to the content of “Data Analysis with R through Practical Projects,” and a curriculum has been added so that students can learn the book more quickly and easily. For effective learning, we recommend studying together with this textbook.

R data analysis?

Get a perfect introduction with this class.

클래스 커리큘럼

▶ Class curriculum

You will learn a comprehensive understanding of data analysis, data preprocessing that can process data according to the purpose, and visualization.

Finally, you'll learn how to design a single statistical analysis report and dashboard.

After attending this class,

Four things you'll get

I've been doing one-on-one lessons for many years, and I've been considering the grievances and experiences of various students together. In this class, we prepare the class by incorporating all the insights gained from over 100 lessons so that you don't have to worry about it alone.

  1. If you're new to data analysis,
  2. If you've learned R but haven't been able to apply it to practice,
  3. If you want to learn R data analysis from an instructor who has already been verified by many students, that you will learn all at once,
With that Doublek Park
Let's get started with R data analysis!
Class Kit · Coaching Session

💌 1:1 coaching directly taught by DoubleKPark (DoubleKPark)

  • You can ask 2 questions per coaching ticket.
  • We will write an answer of around 300 characters per question and send it to you.
  • A coaching ticket is a system that helps you with questions if you have a difficult part while listening to a lecture.

1 ️ Data analysis job portfolio consulting

  • We provide consulting on job turnover, employment, and future directions.

2 ️ Project advice

  • We can advise on company projects, contests, and personal projects. Please ask the following 5 questions.
  • Project name/Field/Progress/Problems/Questions

3 ️ Class-related questions

  • We will explain the exercise code related to the class, explain additional content, and correct the code.

  • In addition to this, if you personally want 1:1 coaching, we will help you to the extent that we can deliver answers.
  • Coaching answers are based on the date questions are received, and answers are provided sequentially. Responses can take up to 1 week.
  • The coaching ticket can be used for 20 weeks from the date of purchase.
  • If not used within the period, no refund will be given.

📌 For inquiries about product defects or incorrect delivery, please contact the Class 101 Customer Service Center.

📩 The kit is subject to some changes, and we will be fully informed if there are any changes.

Class Curriculum1

100% student satisfaction! R Data Analysis from the Basics - Introduction

Class details

Course started on May 4, 2022
Rookie Difficulty · Video 37 · Attached file 31
Korean voice
Korean · English · Japanese Subtitles




Hallo I work for a data analysis company, and I'm currently working on a doctoral program at Doublekpark in search of freedom.

In '17, I accidentally saw an advertisement on a broadcasting platform and asked, “Shall I try it too?” I'm still doing data analysis and R lessons that I started thinking about. For me, it's important to earn money from lessons, but what I thought was important without missing out on that is “interaction with students.” In addition to just the hard work of the lesson, the lessons were conducted with the importance of sharing experiences and thinking about things together through conversation. Therefore, there were a lot of one-on-one lectures, and I think I had the opportunity to meet a lot of nice people because of this.

Now I want to create great opportunities by interacting with all of you in Class 101

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Notes on Copyright Protection

  • All videos and materials included in the class are protected intellectual property under relevant laws.
  • You may face legal action if you copy, distribute, transmit, modify or edit the videos or materials included in the class without permission.
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