
[SQLD All-In-One] SQL Developer (SQLD) Qualification Exam with just one class

8 chapters
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2022년 마지막 SQLD 시험대비, 당신을 합격으로 이끌어 줄 단 하나의 클래스

▶ Preparation for the final SQLD exam in 2022, only one class that will lead you to pass

코리의 SQLD 클래스를 선택해야 하는 이유

▶ Why choose Corey's SQLD class


What is SQL Developer?

In other words, it is a structured query language that can communicate with computers, Do you have the ability to write SQL statements with the correct syntax to extract data for the desired purpose?It's a test that asks.

The number of SQLD test takers is increasing every year,

Why would everyone want to take the SQLD exam?

The number of candidates for the SQLD exam is increasing every year. In addition to expanding 200% in 2020 to 2021, we expect to record a higher number of test takers in 2022.

In the era of digital talent recruitment,

SQL competency is more than a strength

This is because it has become essential.

기업에서의 SQLD, SQL 개발자 우대 _뉴스

▶ SQLD in enterprises, preferential treatment for SQL developers_News

Many leading companies already require SQL competency and SQLD acquisition when hiring.

It also means that you can no longer postpone obtaining an SQLD due to job/turnover.

So I prepared it.

Being able to prepare SQLD in an optimal way

Cory's “All-In-One SQLD Class”

코리의 SQLD 클래스, 모든 장점을 가득 담은 올인원인 이유

▶ Why Corey's SQLD class is an all-in-one with all the advantages

01 핵심 문제 풀이, 02 약 750p PDF 설명 파일 제공, 03 비밀노트 제공

▶ 01 Solve key problems, 02 provide a PDF explanation file of about 750p, and provide 03 secret notes

The point where the examinee finds it difficult

I solved them all.

수험생이 어려워하는 질문들에 대한 답변

▶ Answers to questions that students find difficult

Cory's class is different

The first reason.

A thorough explanation, but don't stop at understanding the concept. Right from the exam! It is filled with secrets that are easy to memorize so that you can think of them in a flash.

Must be Cory's class

Reason number two.

Classes covering all of the 2013 and 2020 revised editions, you won't be afraid of any exam units presented.

I have to choose Cory's class

Reason number three.

From the point of view of test submission, we will guide you on the most efficient way to learn which units are important and how to study more strategically.

It's bound to be Cory's class

The last reason.

Having met hundreds of students, I know very well what challenges they face.

We have analyzed several rounds of questions, selected only those that are bound to be presented in the exam, and presented practice questions, and explained carefully and kindly so that the examinees do not experience any difficulties.





Hello, I'm Corey and I work in data consulting. We conduct DBMS performance diagnosis, data model design, SQL tuning, etc., and also conduct SQL development and tuning lectures at large enterprises and public institutions.

I obtained all SQLD, SQLP, DAP, and DaSP, and based on this experience, I wrote the “SQLD Secret Notes” book so that many examinees can obtain SQLD.

We have prepared content of the highest quality so that you can pass the SQLD at once. Cory will work hard to help you experience passing in just one class.

Cory, the son of our wizard, will pass SQLD!
Let's all pass with Cory's magic!



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