Enjoy a Family Mealtime with Delicious and Nutritious Baby Food

10 chapters · 2 hours 55 minutes
English · Japanese · Korean|Audio Korean

Skills You’ll Learn

Understanding Ai-led Meals

Even Ai-Ju can get essential knowledge and information necessary for baby food.

Know-how to cook efficiently and make a diet

Here are some practical tips to make baby food and baby food less difficult!

Establishing proper eating habits

You can understand the causes of eating habits and try to improve them.

Class introduction

Happy meal time for the whole family.

Isn't it something that only comes out on TV?

Everyone who is raising a child will agree. When a child sits still in place and eats alone, it's just a story about a strange country.

But in the end, my family made the story of that strange country a reality.

This kind of thing doesn't magically happen all at once. It's possible through lots of trial and error, waiting, and studying.

It wasn't until my child was quite big that I really felt it. The fact that a family meal time can be a “quiet time” means that the meal time together is a valuable result of the accumulation of mealtime together.

A meal led by a child.

If a child just eats on their own, isn't it a child-led meal?

That's right. If a child just eats on their own, it's an Aizu-Ju meal.

However, more fundamentally, it contains more important points that apply to all aspects of parenting, ahead of the diet method.

This is an attitude of mind that is valid not only during the baby food and baby food period, but also for the next few years. If you start with this mindset in mind, you will be able to continue making mealtime with your child even when various challenges arise.

Course effect

  • It can be easily understood and implemented by parents who are new to eating as a child.
  • Parents who find it difficult to prepare a diet can make it easier for them to prepare meals for their children.
  • You can understand your child's unbalanced diet and develop proper eating habits.

Recommended target

  • Those who are raising infants and toddlers
  • Those who are about to start baby food for their child
  • Children who are eating baby food but are stressed due to unbalanced eating and refusing to eat
  • Those who want to create a fun meal time for the whole family

It's never too late to improve your eating habits.

Right now, I'll show you a realistic method that you can put into practice starting today.

All parents have the same heart. I want to raise children who are healthy both physically and mentally.

You're already doing great! Still, I will generously share my various know-how so that you can make it even a little less difficult.


<I'm Ahn So-jeong, the author of Ai-led Baby Food Manual>.

I created a book called < Ai-Judo Baby Food Baby Food Manual > to easily let people know about Ai-led Baby Food, which is an unfamiliar method of baby food in Korea, and I have been interacting with many parents through this book, the “Ai-Judo Baby Food Research Institute (BLW Research Institute)” community, and my own social media. Thanks to this, over the past few years, there were many parents who saw the benefits of Ai-led baby food being widely known and effective, but I thought that was not enough.

Hoping that even one more family would end the war at the table and find peace, I created this course which greatly enhanced the content on eating habits, including unbalanced eating.

Through this course, you will definitely know that child-led baby food is by no means a special method of baby food that only some parents and children can do, but that it is a natural baby food method that anyone can do!





Hello! Mom Ahn So-jeong is a world that creates various content related to parenting, starting with baby food led by children.

Raising a child. How good would it be to be able to read and solve a book like studying for an exam?

The need to properly nurture one person is so complicated, vast, and difficult, and it always makes us anxious because of the enormous sense of responsibility.

In my case, it was the child-led baby food that held the center of that difficult parenting. It was a wonderful experience to observe the child based on respect and belief in the child, and to do only the minimum necessary intervention for the child was the best way to bring out the child's abilities, and it gave me confidence that I could nurture an emotionally stable and happy child.

Even now, I always prepare meals for children, play with them, and teach them based on the spirit of being child-led.

It's no exaggeration to say that they saved me and my child, and this child also made a book, created a community, and even made a lecture like this to spread the word about baby food.

Parenting is still difficult, but thinking about what really helps a child in every moment of trouble often makes a lot of work easier. I think if you go through the process of practicing a child's first meal and adopting eating habits from a slightly different perspective with me, I think the direction of parenting will be taken.

I support you all!





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