
Introduction to preserved flower crafts, from basics to mini bouquets

3 chapters
Korean|Audio Korean

Use preserved, soap, and silkflower
3 Class Projects

It takes about 1-2 hours hour(s) to complete each project.

  • Corsaze-shaped cotton magnet

  • Preserved material mini bouquet

  • A pack of soap flowers

Skills You’ll Learn

Basic tools and theory needed to handle flowers

I'll tell you about the general types of tools used to touch flowers and how to use them!

Blooming (Rose/Runon) Wiring Taping Technique

Learn blooming/wiring and taping techniques to get the smoke out of your hands!

Learn the spiral technique

I'm going to learn exactly about the basics of handtied, the spiral.

Learn about the best-selling mini size products

I'm going to learn about a mini size bestseller that is highly useful in real life!

About the class

Fresh flowers, soap flowers, silk flowers, and even preserved flowers. Did you know that there are so many types of flowers? In this lesson, we will cover a variety of preserved flowers, soap flowers, and silk flowers other than fresh flowers. I'll share my know-how with the most beautiful ways to create various materials.

Course effect

  • Learn about the basics of preserved flowers
  • Learn how to wire and bloom for preserved flower crafts
  • You can try making mini size products using basic techniques
  • You can learn basic techniques for making manufactured products

Recommended target

  • A person who wants to make a one-of-a-kind gift
  • People who want to learn systematic and basic theories about flowers
  • People who want to learn about flowers made of various materials as a hobby
  • People who want to make use of what they have learned to do preserved flower crafts on their own

What makes this class special

For beginners only, the basics of preserved flowers

For those who are “new” to flowers, I would like to first tell you in detail about the overall tools, auxiliary materials, and techniques for handling flowers. From the most basic spiral of a hand tie (bouquet) to the arrangement and arrangement of colors, it contains everything A to Z!

Preserved flowers are not only expensive, but they also have to go through wiring, blooming, and taping processes, so the price range is high. However, it looks like it's the only one in the world, and you can see it in its original form for about 3 years, so its value is quite different.

I paid particular attention to basic content for beginners, such as the definition of preserved flowers, wiring, taping, and blooming techniques. After finishing the class You'll fall in love with its charm, the only flower in the world that blooms from your own hands.

Class Curriculum1

Introduction to preserved flower crafts, from basics to mini bouquets

Class details

February 27, 2023 수강 시작
Rookie Difficulty · Video 10 · Attached file 0
총 0 minutes
Korean voice
Korean Subtitles


another atelier

another atelier

We operate Another Atelier, a one-person flower workshop dealing with fresh flowers, preserved flowers, and soap flowers.

In class 101, I was greeted first with flowers other than fresh flowers:)

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Notes on Copyright Protection

  • All videos and materials included in the class are protected intellectual property under relevant laws.
  • You may face legal action if you copy, distribute, transmit, modify or edit the videos or materials included in the class without permission.
1201 North Market St. Suite 111, Wilmington, DE, 19801