
Mastering the Florist's Bouquet by Florists

3 chapters
English · Japanese · Korean|Audio Korean

Use fresh flowers
5 Class Projects

It takes about 1 hour hour(s) to complete each project.

  • Bouquet I

  • Bouquet II

  • Bouquet III

  • Bouquet IV

  • Bouquet V

Skills You’ll Learn

Balanced centerpiece of the bouquet

Balanced empty spaces can be created for three-dimensional works that are not flat.

Hidden techniques and devices

You can create any flower shape using hidden techniques and devices.

A work where the theme is clearly revealed

You can reveal the intended theme by paying attention to the sound and quantitative space of the flower.

Basic design principles

You can create stable and structured works based on design principles.

About the class

In this lesson, you'll learn the most important principles of flower design. By taking a three-dimensional approach to flowers, we can create whatever design you want by building up and emptying the space of the flower, whether you are new to flowers or those who have been blooming for a long time.

This course is for those who want to start flowers but feel that it is difficult and far away, or for those who work as a florist and need new stimulation or a change of thinking. We'll help you think about designs in new directions and expand them.

Course effect

  • You can master hand tide techniques by incorporating flower designs into bouquets
  • You can design logically, abandoning the way you designed by hand
  • You can create “professional” quality works
  • Learn the basic knowledge and procedures you need to know to sell handties as bouquet products

Recommended classes

  • Those who like manual work and crafts
  • Those who want to know more about flowers and enjoy them
  • Those who want to design flowers like a pro
  • Florists who want to find their own unique flower designs

3 reasons why this class is special

① A definite theory not a coincidence! In design, “why?” I think

Through questions such as “why is it pretty,” “why did you use this flower,” and “why did you get this kind of composition and result?”, I teach you how to design with a clear theory rather than a coincidence. Also, you can bring about a change in thinking as a florist and designer, such as self-developed design techniques and new design theories.

Various collaborations with reputable brands

He worked as an artist and collaborated with various brands such as Giorgio Armani, MCM, Downey, and Mardi McCrdi.

Over 200 teaching experiences

I have lectured more than 200 times to current florists with diverse backgrounds, and I am working to help students take a new direction in design as florists.


Class Kit · Coaching Session

Required for classes

Here's what you need to prepare.


It has a compact structure.

This kit consists of the basic tools needed to take a lift class.

It is a product with unique specifications where each material is used separately, and the creator

This is a product I selected myself, so be sure to buy and prepare this kit together before attending the class!

  1. Hanshin Gardening Scissors H51 (khaki)
  2. White ivory_ string ribbon10mm (50yd)
  3. Oasis bind wire (brown)
  4. Flower tape (khaki)

Able to improve quality

We will introduce additional components.

1. Ji Cheolsa Temple No. 27 _Khaki (36cm)

This is an additional component that will be used to wire the work.

If your classmate needs it, please purchase it with the kit.

This item is shipped based on weight, and there may be slight differences in quantity.

  • length: 36cm
  • Thickness: 0.5 mm
  • Weight: 400g
  • Made in China

2. Bouquet wire No. 22 (35cm)

This is an additional component that will be used to wire the work.

If your classmate needs it, please purchase it with the kit.

  • Lake: No. 22
  • length: 35mm
  • thickness: 0.7 mm
  • Weight: 90g
  • Country of Manufacture: South Korea

3. floral tape (dark green)

This is an additional component used to finish the work when wiring.

If your classmate needs it, please purchase it with the kit.

  • Width: 2 cm
  • Length: 27m
  • Country of Manufacture: South Korea

4. Chicken net (85cmX1m)

This is an additional component used to create hand-tied works.

If your classmate needs it, please purchase it with the kit.

🚚 ️ This is a shipping-related guide.

  • Depending on inventory availability, kit components may be shipped in replacement with other similar products.
  • When purchasing the appropriate class kit, it may be shipped in installments depending on the components.
  • For inquiries about product defects and misdelivery, please contact Class 101 Customer Service.

Class Curriculum1

Mastering Flower Bouquet Design

Class details

Course started on April 28, 2023
Intermediate Difficulty · Video 6 · Attached file 0
Korean voice
Korean · English · Japanese Subtitles




It's a field that creates works with flowers and plants. I mainly work with bouquets called hand-tied, and design by crossing the boundaries between works and products.

I majored in biotechnology at Korea University. As a child, I was fascinated by the mystery of nature and studied science dealing with nature, and now I am working to express the mystery of nature that I feel with objects.

알륨과 와이어로 작업한 작품

I am overwhelmed when I look at a work that was born with the same life as us, completed as a single work by myself, and where many people work together to form a solid structure and stand alone.

I am giving lectures because I want to express this beauty and love that I feel with many people, and that everyone can feel it for themselves.

I think flowers are a good means of expression that anyone can easily touch and design. I would like to share how I can create beautiful works with natural materials through class 101.

델피늄, 시도이네스, 아미초로 제작된 부케



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Notes on Copyright Protection

  • All videos and materials included in the class are protected intellectual property under relevant laws.
  • You may face legal action if you copy, distribute, transmit, modify or edit the videos or materials included in the class without permission.
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