Accounting Management Level 1 that calls for acceptance

3 chapters · 32 hours 37 minutes
Audio Korean

About the class

If you dream of getting a job in the accounting field

Take on the challenge of Accounting Management Level 1 now!

✅ What is accounting management?

To train professionals with knowledge of financial accounting and tax accounting as accounting practitioners and middle managers of businesses accredited Qualification examIt is. In the case of the test method, it consists only of handwriting without practical skills. In the case of grades, they are divided into levels 1 and 2 depending on the subject and level of difficulty.

❓ Let's try for an accounting certification

❓ Wouldn't it be difficult to study alone

If you're wondering, try the <Accounting Management Level 1 that calls for pass> classes!

We will focus on core strategies, from theory to previous ideas.


▲ The concept of financial statements in financial accounting theory

This class <Accounting Theory and Problem Solving for Accounting Management Level 1 Qualification>It is organized around. ① Financial accounting ② Tax accounting ③ Problem solvingYou can prepare for the exam in a systematic manner through. If you want to grow in the field of accounting management, prepare for Accounting Management Level 1, where you can have both expertise and competitiveness along with this course!

Course effects

  • You can pass Accounting Management Level 1.

  • You can perform accounting processing for corporate financial activities through learning financial accounting theory.

  • You can combine the practical ability to write financial statements with the ability to understand financial statements.

  • You can understand the tax system and tax filing process and use it in practice.

Recommended target

  • Those who wish to obtain a first-level certificate in accounting management

  • Accounting practitioners with basic knowledge of accounting

  • Tax accounting-related workers who need to understand tax accounting



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  • All videos and materials included in the class are protected intellectual property under relevant laws.
  • You may face legal action if you copy, distribute, transmit, modify or edit the videos or materials included in the class without permission.
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