Singer Jung In's How to Express Become a Unique and Attractive Singer
I recommend it to people like this
People who are worried about whether the “path of a singer” is right in the world of jobs where “dreams” are not the only thing
Those who are curious about the overall production process of a song until it becomes known to the public
Fans who love the voice of singer Jeong-in
Those who want to know how to be good at Adrive
Singer Jung In is the owner of a voice with a deep resonance and rich scent.
Debuting in 2002, she instantly imprinted her voice on the world through Lee Ssang's <Rush>, and released numerous hits such as <I hate you >, <rainy season >, and <Uphill Road> with her unique tone and excellent sensibility.
Jung In boldly reviews herself, saying that she wasn't good at singing from the beginning, but that her rough skills developed thanks to the great opportunities she had as an advantage.
She met and sang songs, met an unexpected wall, found her own way to overcome this wall, and created the current “Trust and Listening” with her insatiable desire for songs.
“I think it's more important to have your own charm and your own world than not being good at singing.”
On the path of singing, Jeong-in talks about heartfelt advice through experience so that those who doubt themselves can flexibly create their own weapons without losing ground can be conveyed through the song.
Jung In's class will be an opportunity for me to think about more important values that are not shaken by external standards and discover hidden jewels within me.
Q & A
Q. What are the criteria for selecting songs to be included in an album?
Q. Is there anything you are particularly concerned about before going on stage?
Q. Do you have any tips to sing ad libs well?
Q. What should we do to overcome the artist's block?
Class Curriculum1
Class details
Jung In
2004 | “Beautiful parent Lee Sang Special Album Lee Sang Special Jungin” <Love is >, <Asking You >
2010 | “Jung In From Andromeda” <I hate you >
2011 | “Melody Remedy” <Rainy Season>
2012 | “2012 Monthly Jong-shin Yoon June Issue” <Uphill Road>
2013 | “Gee” <That obvious statement >
2013 | “Autumn Girl” <Autumn Man>
2014 | <Human Smell> with Gary
2016 | “rare” <UUU>
Lee SSang <Rush>, <champion>, <A woman who can't break up, a man who can't leave>, etc.
Jong-shin Yoon <Uphill Road>, <Cold>
Dynamic duo <Go Back (Go Back) >
Adjustment value <Magical Woman>, <Saranga>
Brown Eyed Soul <Life & Love Are the Same>