
[Photoshop: Package] Youtube Thumbnail Design

5 chapters
English · Japanese · Korean|Audio Korean

Use Photoshop
7 Class Projects

It takes about 10 to 30 minutes hour(s) to complete each project.

  • Three-dimensional title design

  • gradient title design

  • Title design with a sense of perspective

  • Basic thumbnail design

  • Thumbnail design with a sense of dynamism and space

  • Thumbnail design using multiple images (1)

  • Thumbnail design using multiple images (2)

Skills You’ll Learn

3 styles of title design

You'll learn how to use text tools and add effects such as layer styles.

Setting the document preferences for Youtube thumbnail specs

I'm going to learn how to set the document environment for Youtube thumbnails.

Using shape tools

I'm going to learn how to add various effects using the shape tool.

Highlight the title

We'll learn how titles can be emphasized more in thumbnails.

Erase the background simply and quickly

I'm going to learn how to erase a background using a layer mask.

Correcting the color of an image

I'm going to learn how to adjust the brightness and saturation of an image.

Using various filters

I'm going to learn how to create various effects using Photoshop filters.

Use a background image in half

I'm going to learn how to create half an image using a clipping mask.

Tips for using multiple images

You'll learn tips such as placement when using multiple images.

Saving work files and image files

I'm going to learn how to save YouTube thumbnails properly.

Nice to meet you.

I'm Jeon-dee, the current designer in year N!

Hello classmates!

I'm Jeon-di (Jeon.D), a current designer in the N year who took charge of the YouTube thumbnail design class!

I have experienced design practices in various genres such as web design, content design, advertisement design, print design, and offline event design.

Based on this practical experience, we are studying the most efficient and specialized educational techniques for non-experts through design education activities such as design lectures, coaching, and consulting.

According to my channel, according to my video,

Let's make your own thumbnail

Visually brilliant content is becoming more important these days. In a rapidly changing media environment, unique and prominent thumbnails are key to video success.

Fit for my channel, match my video! Now you Create your own thumbnail of your video with PhotoshopPlease try it!

Starting with the main features of Photoshop

Up to the overall design workflow

In this class, you can learn the main features of Photoshop and learn the overall design workflow by working together to create YouTube thumbnails from beginning to end.

From basic thumbnail designs, thumbnail designs with a sense of dynamism and space, and 2 thumbnail designs using multiple images. You can learn about Photoshop features suitable for each situation through a total of 4 thumbnail design examples with different styles and production methods.

The key to thumbnail design

Title Design Intensive Class

“Title design” can also be seen as the core of thumbnail design. From three-dimensional title designs to gradient title designs to title designs with a sense of perspective, you can master how to use text tools and add effects to text by designing 3 types of titles.

Photoshop beginner level

If you want to graduate

  • Do you know the basic features of Photoshop but don't know how to use them?

  • I learned Photoshop in the past, but I haven't improved my skills because I haven't used it, or

  • I started Photoshop as a self-taught student, but it only injects random features

  • If you're new to Photoshop and want to level up!

This class is just for you! Instead of just following random examples, I'll show you how to use this feature in certain situations. If you create your own and learn the functions that suit the situation, you will be able to find yourself freely applying these functions to other tasks.

Beginners, like experts,

We've also prepared key shortcut files to speed you up.

We'll provide you with a file containing the main Photoshop shortcuts used in practice.

When I first look at the shortcut file, “When do I memorize these many things...?” You might think about it, though. Don't worry! I'll mention shortcuts over and over throughout the class!

If you listen to the class and use shortcuts, most of the shortcuts in the file will naturally fit into your head and hands.

Use this class to create beautiful thumbnails of your own,

Start a brilliant journey with content that keeps pace with the times! 🎨✨

Class is

This is how it works.

  • Download the practical materials and follow along while taking the class.

  • All comments made by the teacher during the class are displayed with subtitles.

  • All menu names and shortcuts in the Korean version are displayed with subtitles (classes are conducted in English).

  • Certain parts are zoomed in on parts that are not clearly visible or are important.

Please check before class starts!

  • This class does not include the Photoshop program.

  • The version of Photoshop used in the class is the 2023 CC English version. We recommend using the most recent version of Photoshop if possible. As for the language, the Korean version, feature names, etc. are all subtitled, so there is no problem with taking the course.

  • The computer operating system used in the class is MAC OS, but all of the Window shortcuts are also subtitled, so there is no problem taking the course.





Hello, this is D.HARA (D.HARA), a website specializing in design lectures.

Dihara is a design teaching platform developed so that anyone, even if they are not a designer or a major, can easily experience design.

Dihara studies effective design education methods tailored to the perspectives of non-experts and beginners, and teaches design techniques that go beyond how to use design programs and can gain sympathy based on logical evidence through lectures.



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Notes on Copyright Protection

  • All videos and materials included in the class are protected intellectual property under relevant laws.
  • You may face legal action if you copy, distribute, transmit, modify or edit the videos or materials included in the class without permission.
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