Popular among campers <Campground Startup & Operation>, from small campgrounds to glamping start-ups!

13 chapters · 7 hours 31 minutes
English · Japanese · Korean|Audio Korean

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Camping & glamping at least once

Have you been there?

Don't look for hot campgrounds
I want to make my own campground!

Many campers gather as a relatively free camping and glamping site that is not easy to travel to Ko*na City. All of our campgrounds are visited by so many people that they are fully booked.

Why don't you stop looking for “camping restaurants” all over the country and make a campground full of your own colors? Build your own campground by building a deck on cheap local land, don't just dream, let's start with me!

코로나에 캠핑족 뜨니 캠핑용품 '날개' 수출입 역대 최대

▶ The largest import and export of camping equipment “wings” due to the rise of campers due to Corona

Compared to the recent rapid increase in the camping population, the number of campgrounds is far short. This is because due to the impact of COVID-19, the number of campers has increased, and the domestic and international camping industry has grown rapidly, and the import and export volume of camping equipment has also grown exponentially.

thereby As the number of campers increases, the number of people purchasing camping equipment is increasing rapidly, and camping-related companies are getting bigger and bigger. Of course, those who bought camping equipment in advance bought it at a high price, so they have no choice but to go on a continuous camping trip, so a good campground is bound to continue to work well.

There are many campgrounds scattered all over the country because I think it would only be necessary to build a camping facility on the ground and operate it, but

Definite 'process' and 'manual',
And without a “concept,” it becomes difficult to operate a campground.

The campground, I can't even start

The reason most of them fail

Every campground you go to
Similar environments, similar shapes, and similar systemsIrago
Did you feel it?

The reason for this is that licensing agencies that do not properly understand the essence of “camping” use Ctrl+c and Ctrl+v design drawings. If you like camping, or if you've done a lot of camping, you definitely know the uncomfortable needs of campgrounds.

Campgrounds are also changing. The things you felt uncomfortable about while camping, and your experiences and ideas are the secret to creating your own campground soon.

A good campground is not a place with facilities like a hotel
I think the camper is a place I want to camp.

Like this While starting and operating a campground, Through the class, we will generously share valuable experiences gained by bumping into the body and tips to touch the sensibility of the campers.

I recommend starting a campground

The 3 most important keys

  1. You can create new value by leaving real estate that is already overheated, such as Seoul and Gyeonggi regions.
  2. The more remote mountain villages such as Gangwon-do and Chungcheong-do, the better the surrounding scenery, and campers like it more! But land is cheaper.
  3. Thanks to the growing camping market, it's “Blue Ocean” even if you start now!

Can I work 2 days and play 5 days?

Start a campground and work while having fun!

Hello, I'm Jeong Un-hee, CEO of Global Camping Research Institute Co., Ltd. <Unimeika Campground>. Since 8 years ago, we have been operating campgrounds and guesthouses in Korea and have been operating 7 sites, and we are still busy working to create 50 successful campgrounds nationwide. Learned by bumping directly into the body We will generously share our know-how on the establishment and operation of campgrounds with a stable profit guarantee.

I described working 2 days and playing 5 days, but in fact, I might have to keep doing something for a week. If you think of managing a campground as a job, you'll hate running a campground, and if you think of having fun in a place with good air and good water, you'll enjoy running a campground.

In fact, before running a campground, I used to run a lodging facility such as a guesthouse, but even though sales were similar, too many working hours were put in, and I turned to the campground. While cleaning a lodging establishment is really difficult and time-consuming, the campground didn't require much effort. As a result of organizing guesthouses and focusing only on “campgrounds,” I was able to earn several times the average salary of an office worker at a single campground.

'First in Korea', 'Korea's only'

Camping & Glamping Site Consultants

The only 'in KoreaCamping consultant'We are creating camping sites that actively reflect the needs of campers, and we are also helping with branding for those who already operate them. Recently, in response to increasing demand for starting a campground, it is essential when starting a campground We help with vehicle routes, customer routes, landscaping, and design, and are also actively expanding our franchise business.

In the past 2014 We created the first “private toilet campground” in Korea. This was a new challenge in the camping market, and my challenge met the needs of campers. As such, campgrounds that go beyond the traditional framework of “campgrounds with private bathrooms, campgrounds with private washstands, campgrounds with an arboretum concept, etc.” are gradually emerging.

I was also a person who loved camping, so I was able to be more helpful because I knew exactly what the campers needed. As a result of focusing on campgrounds for many years, we were able to plan various facilities and services that reflect the changing needs of campers.

This is a campground run by me. 278 people gave it a score of 5 out of 5.

The only one in Korea! <Starting a campground >

What will I learn in class?

I want to do a campground on my land!

I don't have land, but I want to do a campground, what should I do?

From how to find land to operate a campground, what kind of land is good and which area is good, how to get a campground permit, and how much is the cost and yield of starting a business, we have compiled all the main questions that most people often inquire about.

✅ Find the latest trends in campgrounds and future food

✅ Campground rental/sale method and yield calculation method

Cost and profit of starting a campground by size

✅ How to select a campground attraction area considering the surrounding environment

✅ The overwhelming law on licensing and registration of campgrounds

✅ Efficient ways to attract customers, etc.

For all of you who dream of starting a campground, I will share all the experiences and insights I have gained over the years.

Your imagination can change the future of the Korean campground market.

Let's make the campground you imagined a reality with me!

People who run campgrounds

99% are opposed to starting a campground.

Who is the owner of a unique and well-groomed restaurant
I would recommend the catering business,
Who is the owner of a restaurant with no special features and poor cuisine
I never recommend the restaurant business.

99% of people who run campgrounds are opposed to starting a campground. However, I highly recommend running a campground. If you look closely at the “operation method” of the opponents, you can immediately find a big problem that the “system” is not in place.

“System” is an operation method that can achieve the highest efficiency with minimal labor. It is possible at campgrounds to target the customers you want and to select good guests. Also, a large restaurant does not mean that it works well, and a large number of tables does not mean that it becomes a gourmet restaurant. As the neologism of a “camping restaurant” suggests, a campground can only become a popular campground if it has a beautiful natural environment or unique fun, even if it is operated on a small scale.

If you select customers well, you won't be stressed by the shortcomings of the service industry, and if you set up a good system, it's not difficult to make a reservation/cancellation/change. Above all, if you have trust with customers, you can operate a semi-unmanned system like me.

Through classes, I will teach you my own management know-how, which can make an average of at least 400 to 5 million won per month with just 7 sites and up to 15 million won during peak season, and important points to prepare before starting a campground.

Realistic operation tips for starting a campground,

A-Z We'll meet you all through Class 101 lessons.

Class Kit · Coaching Session

💌 Jeong Un-hee 1:1 coaching directly from the CEO

  • If you pay for the course ticket+coaching ticket package, you can ask questions with a coaching ticket.
  • Questions and answers are asked within the Class101 platform.
  • The coaching ticket can be used for 20 weeks from the date of purchase.
  • Each question will be answered in 250 characters or less.
  • Coaching is answered on the day the questions are received, and it takes up to 1 week.
  • I will give you additional explanations about the parts of the course that I don't understand.
  • After learning about the overall content of the class, you can first write and send us the questions you have in the process of starting a business or in the process of starting a business, and we will provide coaching on them.
  • We will do our best to answer other questions that can be answered personally.
  • There is no refund if the coaching ticket is used or not used within the period.





Hallo This is Unimeika. Nice to meet you^^

Currently, I have been running a campground and business in Hongcheon, Gangwon-do for 8 years. I traveled to about 50 countries and did business overseas.

I like traveling to remote places, so I loved spending time in nature that others are reluctant to do, such as the Himalayas, Sahara Desert, Amazon, India, Tibet, and Egypt, and I still enjoy nature in the mountains of Gangwon-do. I think my twenties, who spent time enjoying nature around the world, broadened my perspective on rural land.

While I was in my mid-twenties as a representative of a small business with annual sales of over 10 billion and 50 employees, I was 29 years old, and while I was imagining the future of my 30s at the age of 29, I decided to retire, sell my company, and move into the countryside to live quietly in nature.

The reason I decided to go to Hongcheon was too long, so if I had a drink later, I'll tell you a story. Anyway, I traveled all over the country looking for a place to live. As a result, my field of view of the ground broadened, and I developed the ability to find good land.

The earth is like the ideal form of man.

Just as everyone has a different appearance and different ideals, every land looks different, and each has a different way of interpreting good land. (Of course, there are some really pretty and good-looking places, but such land is expensive.)

Anyway, the most important thing to run a campground “Can the land I choose heal people from nature?” I think it should be.

I am living in a rural area where I am very satisfied. Do you think they live while feeling “like a person”? For me, who likes creative work and whose sense of accomplishment ranks first in happiness, life in a rural area had so many hidden elements of business that I couldn't take a day off.

I think business isn't just about making money.

“Making things that are uncomfortable for people convenient

Doing things that benefit the planet a little more

“Things that make both sellers and buyers happy” are what I think of as a business.

And my business has become a fun game to meet new people in rural areas. From 20 million won to 7 billion, he became quite a famous young man in Hongcheon.

Campgrounds are also a strict business. Through this course, I will try to make your campground a successful campground, and I will work hard to make your rural life choices really happy.

Thank you

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