Achieving 2 billion annual sales in the Red Ocean market after 3 years? The secret to survival of a small online business!

9 chapters · 4 hours 16 minutes
English · Japanese · Korean|Audio Korean

'Online business' is like Red Ocean

Are you having trouble getting started or running?

As the size of the online shopping mall market expands, competition is also becoming fierce. There are many people who hesitate to make money and survive in the online shopping mall industry, which is literally Red Ocean.

Don't worry!
Since it's Red Ocean, you can seize a better opportunity.

Offline sales are declining, and online sales are skyrocketing now!
Online business isn't an option, it's a necessity.

☑ Create a business structure that generates continuous and stable sales rather than short-term sales!

☑ There is a way to beat a large company without falling behind the discount offensive of large companies!

Stop worrying!

I'll scrape the itchy part in a cool way.

✔ Employees who are not satisfied with their current salary and are thinking about getting a job

✔ Those who want to do business but are worried about what and how to do online

✔ Those who are doing business but always find it difficult to communicate with customers or do marketing

✔ Businesspeople with 5 or fewer people who generated sales at the beginning but did not have steady sales

✔ 'Those who have used “small marketing” business secrets and want to continue their business in search of a different meaning of offline business

The method is “small marketing” monetization.

I was able to leave my job this way, expand my business, and now become a businessman with annual sales of 2 billion dollars. Those who want to catch N! Those who want to succeed in business! Get started today.

What is “small marketing”?

In a nutshell, it's a marketing strategy that a small company can do. There are many commonly known marketing techniques and success stories and strategies centered on large companies. Most of these are strategies that companies with a small number of employees cannot do. The key is to select a small target, execute it quickly, and derive the result value quickly.

There is no need for a large market or large cost to derive these result values. By applying small marketing techniques to the online shopping mall business, it is possible to produce very efficient results.

Captivate customers

Succeed in Red Ocean!

The common misconception about online shopping malls is to believe that if you post an item, customers will come and generate continuous sales. However, in order for customers to recognize your products, you have to advertise, and if you don't advertise, customers will be cut off. Eventually, a structure will be created that only midsize/large companies with sufficient capital can do.

In order to continue the business, it is necessary to continuously generate steady sales, and that revenue comes from “customers.” However, there is little talk about a clear analysis of customer behavior and ways to convey affection. The center of the business is “customers,” and the most important thing is how to win the hearts of customers unconditionally and generate sales.

As a small marketing secret

This is how we've grown in the Red Ocean market!

When I first started my business, I really felt like I was heading to the ground, and I started out in a small office of just over 1 square meter. There was no place for a desk or chair, or a warehouse to store inventory.

However, I ran into the Red Ocean market with my own “small marketing” secret, and as a result, I was able to gradually grow and move to a good office. So now I've been able to become a businessman with a whopping 2 billion yearly sales. All of this It wasn't a typical online business strategy, but because of my own 'small marketing' strategy.

Regular customers after 1 year with 'small marketing'

You can make 1,000 people too!

💡 Customers right away So that you can buy things even if you don't need them You can do it.

💡 How to manage a customer book that can increase the proportion of regular customersI would like to inform you.

💡 Customers who met online, You can make it with your own steamed pan.

#1. We will give you confidence in starting an online shopping mall.

Everyone says that a large inflow is important due to the nature of an online business, but a foundation that can be 'maintained' is more important than a large inflow. Once this strategy is understood, the first steps in the business itself begin differently. It's not just about wasting money trying to increase traffic, Where and how much money and time can be used efficiently where results are expected I'll let you know.

#2. Priorities are arranged as to what to focus on.

It is not a common marketing method used by large companies, but there are principles and sequences essential for small marketing. Through this, strategies based on small marketing, Since setting up a business system, there is a distinction between what should not be done, what can be done, and what cannot be doneIt becomes.

#3. You can also get “regular” customers online.

“Classic marketing” is something that everyone can easily do in offline business. However, with the online connection, purchasing became easier, but communication with customers became farther away. Because of this, most of them have no choice but to focus only on sales and move away from relationships with customers. However, if only “regular customers” are well secured, stable sales can be guaranteed. Through these principles You'll learn your own customer management secrets and how to maintain relationships with customers.

What makes a regular customer

This is the most efficient method that can be done at a low cost.

If you buy it temporarily and pass by,
Get repeat customers instead of one-time purchases!

Selling 1 product to 10 customers vs. 1 customer buying 10 products.

Which would be more efficient? Of course, it is efficient to attract 1 customer. If 1 customer makes 10 purchases, you can expect a dramatic growth effect as the number of regular customers increases in the future.

If you only “win” the hearts of customers,

You can win at the Red Ocean Market!

📍 Everything about the online shopping mall business that can be applied quickly and immediately, even if you are an office worker

📍 A specific way to create your own regular customers with small marketing that wins over large companies

📍 Repeated problems experienced in consignment sales, how to solve them all at once without worry

📍 We will tell you everything A-Z about how sellers who sell their own brand products or products through private ownership can have a long-term competitiveness.

Small Marketing Course Reviews

Reached 2 billion in annual sales after leaving work

You can do it too!

Hello, I'm Han Ki-baek from Daedoo TV. I left my job 3 years ago and now I'm a full-time businessman with 2 billion yearly sales. Also, I'm having a happy time communicating with customers with my own brand.

There are various elements that can grow so quickly, but I think the biggest part is that I really tried to communicate with customers in order to establish relationships. I am sure that if you take this course, it will definitely be of great help in establishing relationships and sincere communication with customers.

We will support your successful future. Thank you!

Class Kit · Coaching Session

💌 'Soybean TV'This direct 1:1 coaching (2)

  • Questions can be asked when paying for the course ticket+coaching ticket package.
  • Questions and answers are asked within the Class101 platform.
  • You can ask a total of 2 questions, and we will answer them in 250 characters or less.
  • Coaching is answered on the day the questions are received, and it takes up to 1 week.
  • I will give you additional explanations about the parts of the course that I don't understand.
  • We will do our best to answer other questions that can be answered personally.
  • The coaching ticket can be used for 20 weeks from the date of purchase.
  • If not used within the period, no refund will be given.





I left my job three years ago, and now I'm a full-time businessman, and I'm having a happy time communicating with customers under my own brand.

In the first 6 to 10 months, I worked in parallel with n jobs. Since then, sales grew more and more, and they hired one employee, and now they are running the company with more than 20 employees. One of the keys to our rapid growth is our 'customer obsessive strategy'.

Small companies like me can't implement a variety of strategies. No matter how good an ID is, it takes teams and resources to implement it. So one of the secrets I found is not to miss a customer when they come in. Most of them are interested in generating a large influx of people by showing their store at the top, and they don't care about it after the sale. But I think the rest is really important.

My book, “I Want You to Be an N-Jobber.” As I wrote in the book, if you learn something, there must be a reason you learned it, and the result value must come out. This is especially true in the business area. If you have taken a course, I would like you to put even one into practice in your life. It will help me, myself, and everyone if you share your results later.

It's not a big company, but there are products and services I still remember and visit. I hope this course will be the same. I hope that it will not end with just one product, but that it will be a time for you to become a relationship with me and grow together.





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