
Introduction to practical UX design for IT juniors

10 chapters
English · Japanese · Korean|Audio Korean

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What do successful app services have in common?

마이뮤직 테이스트 화면

My Music Taste screen

Toss, carrot market, zigzag, etc. What do popular services have in common? Will many people use it just because the design is nice and convenient?

It's not. These are the users Inconvenience and insufficiencySince we carefully delved into and designed products and services, we were able to become a service used by many people.

As the number of users increases, sales increase, and the value of the company increases significantly. However, planning, designing, and developing actual services is not easy. too Collaboration with developersThis is difficult, or Cost or time limitationsYou may also feel it.

Through this course How to collaborate with developersAnd, even when time and resources are scarce Understanding usersDo it How to turn insights into servicesI'll tell you all about

UX isn't just for designers.

It's a thought tool for persuasion and problem solving.

한정된 예산, 기간으로 빠르게 UX를 구축하여 비즈니스 모델을 실험해 본 크라우드펀딩 서비스

A crowdfunding service that experimented with a business model by quickly building UX with a limited budget and time

Hello, I'm UX designer Hong Suk Hee. I work as a product general manager (CPO) planning and designing services at an edtech startup.

At first, I started my career as a developer in the US, but as UX design became a trend in the US, I became interested in it, and I developed a career as a UX designer through business projects.

I didn't major in UX design, but I went through the career of “Developer -> UX Designer -> Product Manager -> Product Manager -> Product Manager”, and user-centered thinking and design were not just for designers, but were involved in the IT business A useful weapon for every jobIt is, and expands thoughts A tool to persuade others (especially your boss)I felt like that.

In fact, I use UX methodologies not only to analyze users and plan services, but also for collaboration and logical persuasion. 100 million sales after 3 days of launchI also developed/launched a service that issued in just one month, and after 3 years Double your salaryI was able to make it, and now I have the authority to take the initiative to plan and design/develop all services from the company.

In addition to theory, we teach UX that can be applied directly to practice.

사용자들의 인터랙션을 표현하여 서비스의 논리적인 흐름을 보여주는 시각화 방법

  • Visualization method showing the logical flow of services by expressing user interactions

사용자 행동 단계를 줄여 정보 접근성을 높이고 더 많은 행동을 유도하는 법

  • How to improve information accessibility by reducing user action steps and induce more actions

서비스의 유입부터 전환까지 전체 사용자 여정을 관찰하고 불편한 점을 찾을 수 있는 사용자 여정 지도(User Journey Map)

  • User Journey Map (User Journey Map), where you can observe the entire user journey from inflow to conversion of services and find inconveniences

More than knowing research methodologies or design processes, customers who are really important troublingFocus on, think based on data and evidence, and logically insight We help you develop thinking skills that can be incorporated into services.

When planning IT services/products, most people only think about screens and functions, and often don't think about the company's business direction or issues related to development and operation.

In this lecture, we will look at examples and tasks of actual operating services Overall product organizationI'll be able to expand my perspective with:)

You'll learn with structured processes, examples, and tasks you can practice on your own.

In this class UX designLearn the overall process of

  • Learn how to observe and understand users through user research, and learn how insights gained through this are materialized into solutions.
  • Also, through various behavioral economics examples that induce user behavior and data-based decision making examples A way to make logical decisions about the function or direction of a serviceI'll also tell you about
  • In order to collaborate with designers and developers, we will learn the overall process of refining and advancing services/products from the business stage through examples and tasks by learning how to write documents that convey ideas in a structured manner and how to verify the effectiveness of designs.
  • We often overlook the logic that needs to be considered when actually developing a service or the parts required for operation and testing. Assignment of the planning process of the app that was actually releasedI will practice tools that can be used directly in practice.
  • Finally, some of the methods I have studied to grow steadily and to be recognized for my work performance How to surviveThey also want to share it.

  • You can plan your own projects through thought tools that enhance the persuasiveness of problem solving.

서비스 페이지에 구현되어야하는 커리큘럼_기능과 필요한 정보 구조를 표현한 사례를 통해 스스로의 사례를 디벨롭

  • I will try to develop my own example through examples that express the functions and necessary information structures that should be implemented on the service page.

간편 로그인, 결제 과정 등이 잘 디자인 된 미디어 커머스 서비스 케이스 스터디

  • We will study a well-designed media commerce service case with easy login and payment process.

사용자 플로우

  • Learn the user flow to think about various conditions that must be considered for actual development.

through this class Your very own survival weaponWe will help you nurture

It focused on the concerns and deficiencies of practitioners.

After several years of consulting with various startup companies and giving lectures to university students and practitioners, I discovered a common pattern of concern.

In order to solve that problem, it is not just a lecture that conveys information Templates that can be applied to work and assignments that can be carried out like a real projectI thought it was essential to have a part where I can expand my thoughts through.

I can't tell you that just taking this class will immediately make you a business UX designer or solve problems in practice right away, How to study the general content of UX design and think logicallyIt contains almost everything I have experienced so that you can cultivate.

“UX isn't good at this project, from a UX perspective..” We will do our best to help you stand out when this kind of story comes up.

When it comes to the part where many people persuade their own plans at the company or collaborate with other teams difficultyI found that it has. I learned through various jobs from developer to designer knowhowLearn all of them.

It will be helpful for those who want to learn UX design but are worried about where to start and what to study, and those who want to add a foundation to their own planning and design!

Real reviews from real students!

실제 수강생 Real 후기

Class Kit · Coaching Session

📧 You can get 1:1 coaching (3 times)

  • We will provide coaching for 1 project per coaching ticket.
  • OPTION 1. UX/UI portfolio feedback: If you send us your project portfolio, we'll send it to you as a PDF with your feedback on the relevant document.
  • OPTION 2. Feedback on issues such as planning, design, and operation in the course of a business project: Please send us a document or provide an explanation of the issue, and we will give you feedback.
  • OPTION 3. Career mentoring: For UX/UI designers, planners, and product managers, we provide career mentoring. If you currently have concerns about employment, turnover, career changes, etc., please include your situation and concerns about mentoring, and I will respond in as much detail as I know.
  • Responses to coaching rights will be answered sequentially every Tuesday/Thursday in the order they were received.

Class Curriculum1

Introduction to practical UX design for IT juniors

Class details

Course started on March 3, 2020
Rookie Difficulty · Video 40 · Attached file 30
Korean voice
Korean · English · Japanese Subtitles




(Current) THE B (edtech) Company) Chief Product Officer

(Former) myMusicTaste Product Manager & Head of IR/Strategy

(Former) Kinetic UX Classics

(Former) Look Smart UX Designer & iOS Developer

(Former) ABB Korea App Developer

• Working on various UX/UI projects with clients such as Maxim and R/GA at a New York digital agency

• UX lectures at universities, Fast Campus, Seoul Global Startup Center, etc.

• Conducted a number of UX consulting services for startups

K-Move Overseas Employment Ombudsman Commissioners

• Author of 'Viability - Survival Manual for Office Workers'

Hello, nice to meet you! My name is Hong Seok-hee, who is making self-development and education-related services at a startup called 'The B'. I first worked as a developer, then moved on to a UX designer in the US. Since then, I have worked in various positions such as UX designer, product manager, and IR manager. In my opinion, the good thing about learning UX design is that you get to do a lot of different tasks. Every company has a different job as a UX designer. As such, the scope of work is wide, and there are many people who collaborate with them. Because of this, I think I was able to continue expanding my job.

It also helped me a lot in projects to plan and develop mobile apps and web services while designing UX, but above all The process of understanding users' perspectives and refining and validating idea-level solutionsI really enjoyed this. It's also the reason I continue to work even now. Also, if you embody the UX design process as your own weapon Organize your thoughts logically and use grounds to persuade othersIt also has a great effect on doing it.

I've gone through a lot of trial and error until now from a developer who didn't major in UX to a UX career. At first, it was very clumsy and lacking. I will work hard to help you have a weapon of thought so that you can easily conquer UX step by step based on the know-how I have gained from combining practical work and lectures over the past few years:) Have fun studying in the future!

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/seokhui.hong

Brunch: https://brunch.co.kr/@kinghong

Seokhui Hong

Seokhui Hong



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