
Bookstore Staff's Practical UI/UX Methodology - From Basics to Login, Sign Up, and Menus

6 chapters
English · Japanese · Korean|Audio Korean

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Skills You’ll Learn

Basic theory

2 essential & basic theories required for UI/UX

Detailed theory

Detailed theories based on HCI and scientific principles that giraffes must know

Sign In & Sign Up

UI/UX design methodology for login pages and registration pages

Confirmation button, hamburger menu, GNB

Confirmation buttons, hamburger menus, and design methodologies to consider when designing GNB

수강생 고민

▶ Student concerns

If you're having this kind of trouble,
The only class that will solve your concerns once and for all.
First class instructor for planning beginners, practical UI/UX basics for bookstore staff

기본이 되는 이론부터 실무 적용 사례까지 브런치 작가 서점직원의 10년 노하우를 모아 핵심만 쏙쏙 짚어드립니다.

▶ From basic theory to practical application examples, we will gather 10 years of know-how from the brunch writer bookstore staff and point out just the key points.


I'm a bookstore clerk at Brunch.

I am a 10th year planner and bookstore employee who is serializing articles on the topic of practical UI/UX at brunch. Rather than a huge self-introduction, I would like to replace my self-introduction with my own articles and insights.

서점직원_브런치 페이지

▶ Bookstore staff_brunch page

Lonely planning beginner's

I'll be your lantern.

When I was a junior, I felt frustrated with planning as if I were heading to the ground alone without knowing anything about UI, so I read UI/UX related books and read hundreds of related articles. I created my own UI/UX methodology by going through the process of applying the obtained information to practice. I've been studying like heading to the ground without anyone teaching me, so I know the grievances of being a beginner in planning better than anyone else. I have repeated the process of thinking and shoveling on my own without a hitch, but I hope you guys don't.

From my 10 years of know-how, I've included basic theory and information in UI/UX that a planning beginner might be curious about and must know if you are a beginner in planning.

서점직원의 UI/UX 기초 클래스를 수강해야하는 이유 세가지

▶ 3 reasons why you should take a basic UI/UX class for bookstore staff

1 ️ from beginning to end

I will only inform you about UI/UX.

피그마, Adobe XD 등 툴을 다루는 강의가 아닙니다.

▶ This is not a course dealing with tools such as Pygma or Adobe XD.

My courses don't have exercises or assignments. It's not a course dealing with work tools such as Figma or Adobe XD. It also doesn't cover methodologies such as user research, journey-maps, personas, or research. We'll only tell you the UI/UX from beginning to end. You don't even need to bring anything. Your passion is enough.

2 ️ Enhances understanding

저 서비스는 어떤 의도로 저렇게 만든 걸까?

▶ What was the intention behind creating that service?

The bookstore staff will explain clearly. I will develop an eye for understanding why A should be here and why B shouldn't be here. I will tell you about techniques that can be applied to the services you make and the services you will create in the future.

3 ️ I will increase your persuasiveness.

어떤 이유와 의도를 가지고 기획 했는지 상대를 설득할 수 있는 논리력을 기릅니다.

▶ Develop logical skills to persuade others about the reasons and intentions behind the plan.

Everyone has at least once been perplexed by 1) I drew it but why I drew it like this, or 2) an unexpected question from my boss. We will tell you the logic and rationale for persuading others about your reasons and intentions for planning. We will build a wealth of theoretical knowledge and foundation.

It's not a boring theory,

Can be applied directly to practice

Learn practical UI/UX

클래스에서 배우는 것_1

▶ What you learn in class_1

No one taught me. Nevertheless, if you are a planner, the bookstore staff will compress and let you know what you must know. Key theories that will nourish the soil as you plan for the future! Perfect for the ears! perfect! Park Hee with a clear diction from a bookstore employee 1) Why should I do this? 2) How can it be applied in practice?I will focus on explaining.

How was that service designed? It's called

If you always have questions,

Get clear explanations in this class.

클래스에서 배우는 것_2

▶ What you learn in class_2

This service is still being used by all of you. Why was it made like this? What was the intention behind this plan? Did you have that question? Using the service we're most familiar with as an example, 1) explain why we made it this way, and 2) how it's different, with a pinch of the coreWe'll do it.

You can see through the core of Common UI/UX, which you will be working on the most while planning through actual services.

Methodology for grasping Korean mobile devices?

You can get the following insights.

  1. Which iPhone/Galaxy will women use more in 2030?
  2. Do users who use GripTalk use their mobile with one hand? Support one hand mobileWould you like to use? With both hands mobileWould you like to use?
  3. How does the distribution of GripTalk usage vary by age and gender?
  4. Do users using Galaxy Z Flip use their mobile with one hand? Shall we support one hand and use the mobile? Should I use the mobile with both hands?
  5. What are the characteristics of senior users?

Smartphone usage behavior and statistical data collected by directly observing more than 500 people
We will introduce them to you along with insights from bookstore staff.

이런 분들에게 추천합니다!

▶ I recommend it to people like this!

Core practical UI/UX that is essential to know in order to run practical work beyond business tools and planning methodologies! We will deliver all the theoretical and practical content that you have never heard anywhere else. Let's meet with me in class!

Class Kit · Coaching Session

💌 Get 1:1 coaching from the bookstore staff! (image)

📌 Coaching licensing guide

  • Instructions on how to use coaching tickets and applications for coaching will be uploaded to the community on Monday, April 25 at 6:00 p.m.

  • Posted in the community or class notes Coaching applicationPlease submit.
  • Click [My Class] > [Coaching Rights Mission] > [Get Coaching]
  • “The coaching application has been submitted.” Please write it down.
  • Synagogue via Zoom 30-50 minutes worthReal-time non-face-to-face coaching of will be conducted.
  • Coaching is based on the date the question is received Up to 10 days We will contact you.
  • If there is anything in the course that you don't understand, please be specific.
  • “ex) Questions related to Chapter 3 OO part/ My situation, background, preparation, etc.”
  • If you need any other personal questions, I'll answer them.
  • Coaching tickets start from the date of purchase 20 weeks You can use it.
  • If not used within the period, no refund will be given.

📩 Coaching tickets are subject to some changes, and we will be fully informed when they change.

Class Curriculum1

Practical UI/UX methodology for bookstore staff - from basics to login, registration, and menus

Class details

Course started on May 17, 2022
Beginner Difficulty · Video 21 · Attached file 0
Korean voice
Korean · English · Japanese Subtitles


The Bookstore Guy

The Bookstore Guy

10th year planner

I am a bookstore employee under the pseudonym who writes UI/UX related articles under the name UI/UX for brunch.



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Notes on Copyright Protection

  • All videos and materials included in the class are protected intellectual property under relevant laws.
  • You may face legal action if you copy, distribute, transmit, modify or edit the videos or materials included in the class without permission.
1201 North Market St. Suite 111, Wilmington, DE, 19801