찾으시는 취미가 있나요?

클래스 스토리3108개의 글

I don't know how to write, and I want to learn that pattern.
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If you search for an office at Naver Advertising Center, you won't find office feng shui at the top of the related search keyword, so I want to know why you choose feng shui or know-how to think about it.
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Dohyun Kim
Hello, student Park Ji Eun. I'm Kim Do Hyun. I'm greeting you with a lecture. You told me that feng shui is not available as a related search term for the office. I think you can't check this because the search trend changes depending on the time. In November 2018, when I wrote the manuscript, I was able to identify attractive related keywords, and I think I found a clue to develop into good content. I think you're interested in related search terms, so I'd like to introduce a tool similar to 'Naver Keywords'. It's a service called SOME TREND (http://www.some.co.kr/)), and if you type in the keyword you want, you'll get more clues because you'll find related keywords that many people are mentioning about. In addition, you asked me, "How do you know how to have a particular keyword?" There's a big part to say exactly what. If you give me the actual keyword, I'd like to show you the actual process, would that be okay? Alternatively, there is a way to give more details with the 'Planet' feedback that we are supporting in this lecture. If you can contact us at any time in your convenience, we will prepare an answer that will help you solve the problem. Thank you:)
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Good work!!
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1. Difficult writing that only experts need to know. => You don't have to use it. 2. Popular writing that anyone can know. 3. Easy writing to be intuitive and accurate
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