찾으시는 취미가 있나요?

Curie, I have a question that the company wants you to define and submit your design work evaluation indicators. 1. How do you usually measure design evaluation indicators? Option 1) Which particular project A's performance should be judged for its contribution, and who should be judged for that part? Option 2) Or should we evaluate the objectives and the degree of achievement within the design, and then who else should evaluate them. Option 3) Is it right to divide into quantitative evaluations (substantial design outcomes) and qualitative evaluations (research, research, planning, etc.). 2. I'm designing a hybrid. What should be the most important goal? Or are there any universal evaluation criteria used in the industry? 3. In the case of a design system (branding), it would be a work that I perform on my own, not someone else's request, so is this within the qualitative evaluation category? I looked it up on the Internet. Evaluation Indicators KPI settings based on Logic model Grid Rating Design 3 type result(metric, milestone, range) Target settings, They say there is the same way as Project Fair review, but when I search individually, I can't find the results again. ㅠ.ㅠ
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