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클래스 스토리5168개의 글

You guys!! I'm the king! Listen to me! I can do anything!! A birth father named Father! Listen! In your absence (military) You did what I was conceived of, not my fault! I didn't ask you to give birth! Why do you hate your mom and me at the same time for being your responsibility and looking like your mom! Father! Listen! I was born to pray for a part of your body, I'm just a human being who resembles God's character who doesn't look like anyone. I'm the only one! You hate me for being like my mother because you're suspicious of her chastity and you're denying it and rejecting it! I was born to the world through you, I'm a noble being that resembles God's character, and I'm your hateful, angry man all my life because I look like my mother. No! Refuse and reject all negative messages of interference and interference. I'm my age!I'm the king! I am not your consumable, possession! Go! Go! Go! In my life! God! I don't need you!!
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Parenting Counselor Choi
Queen of wealth. Nim is a noble and majestic being who came to earth with the love of God. You are light and love. You are innocent. You didn't even come over the wall.
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I don't remember much until I was five. After that, I only remember working alone at home like a maid. Maybe it's because I saw my mom having a hard time with housework, but I kept working alone to prove that I was useful to prove my existence. All kinds of errands were my responsibility. Without saying that I'd never do it if my mom asked me to do an errand. I did it and went. Not only did he do errands but also did a great job at housework. I think he's going to take on all the bad things when he grows up, so I declare that I won't do it anymore. I don't try to do it at home. Of course, I have a lot of things to do or do, but I was angry at the thought that my family was too hard on me. It's so sad that you worked so hard to be loved as the youngest daughter, but you wanted to be included in her existence. But I think I needed a lot of compliments after doing all the housework. And when I and my sister asked me to buy something at home, I remember they never bought it at once. So I've thought it's not easy to have what I want in the world. Maybe that's why she gives birth to a child and gives him plenty that he can do almost anything. I heard that children who have grown up well know how to share and live. I'll take what I want and what I'm going to have. Give it to others. I eat what others used to eat. But I don't try to do that these days. I wanted to eat it with you, but I'm going to eat only what I prepared for myself. I have a right to get good. She's stubborn and strong. I had to give up everything. He said he'd been given away by his sister. I don't know. I don't know if I was 5 years old. After that, I gave up everything. Even in the morning, I'm busy because school is so far away. I couldn't even use the bathroom because you used it first, so I was worried that I would be late because the preparation time was late. Even if I choose a room or a product, my parents would have prepared two things for me to share. Even if I chose them first, I had to give up when she came back later. So later, I ended up hugging her. I want to be good too, but I know that I want to be conceded, but I can't. But I'm even angrier to my parents who didn't mediate in that situation. I mean, I should've cleaned up the situation and made it reasonable. He just told me to give up everything. And I think I tried to play the role of a son at home. I think it's because I heard from my dad that it's too bad that there are only two daughters. She doesn't do any housework. I'm gonna be there, and I'm gonna be there for them. I'm still trying to play that role at home because I'm not married yet. Of course, I try to do it with love these days. I'm not trying to be loved. I'm sharing love. It's getting longer after using it. I'm the king. I think she's doing that to her boyfriend. Thank you very much for taking it. I guess I'm alive thanks to you. And when I said that I would change my mind after going through a hard time and not be a girl anymore and be a king, my mom and dad accepted my love little by little by little. Of course not everything. Before it happened, my heart was floating with no anchor. I really thought there was nowhere to open my heart. Now I'm alone or talking to my boyfriend. I want to help my boyfriend become a king.
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I left an Oing mission, but it was left in the comments; oh, no. You can't copy or modify it (˘̩̩̩ε˘̩ƪ)
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That's a great ending. Thank you so much for sharing your precious enlightenment with us over the 35 years of your long journey than the pearls found in it. I love you. Bless you.
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I thought you were loved. I thought everything was love. I'm so angry now. Do I remember being angry now? I was so young that I asked myself if I couldn't remember. I couldn't remember no matter how hard I tried.ᅲ 두렵 I'm scared. I'm so excited that I don't want to write it down, but if I don't express my feelings, I'll always write fake messages as if I'm being loved by clouds, so I'm just writing whatever comes to mind. I don't know. I guess you have one of the four memories, right? I just feel sorry for myself. I feel strongly that I should love my parents without being able to answer the last question. I doubt if all of these feelings are real. If I don't remember the love I received when I was young, it would be wrong and I would be sorry for my parents and family. I don't know. Maybe I just don't want to know. I don't even know if this is a good mission. I'm confused.ᅲᅲ I feel like I'm blocking myself from coming out cold instead of tears. I wrote it all down.
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댓글 1개 전체 보기
Thank you for your warm reply. It's hard because I have a lot to face, but I'll listen to it repeatedly. I look forward to the day when I can cry as if I'm pouring it out. Thank you.
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When asked if he loved his parents, I could not answer the question, but I could relate to the fact that he thought he should love them. That's happened to me, too. When I grow up without being loved, I thought that I would love you if I loved you. But I knew it was fake. I'm still saying that I should love my parents, too.fi
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Yes. I'm looking back at your comments. I look forward to the day when I still wake up and face-to-face and a lot of anger come up repeatedly and continue to vent my anger in a painful but safe place and say that I love myself and my parents, not that I should love them. I connected your mind and sympathized with you.crying Thank you for sharing.
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I'm writing down an additional address to help you a little. We often think that we have problems with our current situation because of the inner wounds I had from my parents when I was a child (B Result: shame, fear, low self-esteem, lack of human relationships, lack of love, etc.) The truth is that when we are already conceived and brought into the world, and this "reality" is just what we're experiencing is called the creation of Buddhism. So if you recognize this, you can truly "forgiveness." My parents, my family, they've only played a role in revealing my current level of consciousness. So, as our current level of consciousness grows into love, a new real world opens up accordingly. Thank you very much for your in-depth lecture. Bless you. I love you. ❤️
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