찾으시는 취미가 있나요?

클래스 스토리809개의 글

I'm living abroad. My career stopped when I left Korea, and I was thinking about how to live, and as I continued my life history, I wanted to become a picture book writer. I started by publishing a small picture book, but I was looking for a way to grow into a professional writer. There is no opportunity to learn anything in a remote place, the cost is a problem, and you can't go to Korea anymore. I was so glad to see your class. Was there a strong conviction that there would be something that would allow me to take another step forward? ^^ I'm looking forward to your upcoming classes. Thank you!
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I'll be rooting for you! Let's get this over with. ^^
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Mr. Eggplant Flower..,^---^ I wanted to talk to you as soon as possible, but I was working outside. The heart of the eggplant flower's writing... I was just looking at it with emotionally.❁ I'm already looking forward to your work. Thank you so much for coming with such a deep meaning. I'll see you more often.ʕ·ᴥ<ʔ-❤
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Compared to your storyboard, I can feel that the composition is monotonous at a glance. The tone of the writing itself is not dynamic and it's a calm tone... When making a thumbnail book, let's think about a more diverse layout, size, etc. ^^
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댓글 6개 전체 보기
The storyboard is incomplete because the story is not complete.How many storyboards should a fairy tale book be? I drew a picture at the center of the main scene of the story, but as I did it, I didn't know to what extent I had to organize it and which part to omit.
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Ms.Huya~~Oh my~💓::::::: Clean up the manuscript. You have to proceed with the storyboard. Otherwise. It's not about progress. I couldn't organize myself. I'm not sure about the image of perfection. The setting of the production keeps getting messed up.^--^;;;; You're going to rearrange the pages. Create a storyboard. The more you do, the more you upgrade the storyboard. (I worked on it for a few months at first, ack~🤣,;;;) And draw it more clearly. Then, it's clearly imprinted in your head! 👍🏻👍🏻⭐🔥
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1. There lived a rabbit family in the deep forest. The mother rabbit thought the rabbit needed a younger brother now. "Tori, how about you have a younger brother? I think the tiger in the front door has become braver with a younger brother," said Mom. "Mom, I don't need a brother at all. I can ride a bike on the playground and sleep in the moonlit forest. Younger brother doesn't need more than apple or lemon."Tory said. The mother rabbit looked embarrassed. 2. There were penguins and shrimp living in the wide sea. The shrimp had a small body and bent waist, but he drew well. Penguins were big and well-rounded, but I envied them. One day, the shrimp drew a nice pterosaur. Penguin was surprised to see a pterosaur. "Shrimp. Where does this animal live? I've never seen it before," said the penguin. "I've never seen it either. It's just a picture from a box inside a treasure island," said the shrimp.
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댓글 2개 전체 보기
The head... just... a bad... no.LOL Thank you...=fifififififififififi.
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The ending was. But you succeeded. I laughed so hard.~~(๑•̀ᴗ-)❤
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Thank you, Mr. Spring, for your support in my last article!Spring, fighting!
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I think it got too long after using it!^^; A meeting was held in the forest playground and tigers, rabbits, penguins, and pterosaurs all gathered. This is because both the sun and the moon have disappeared for some time. Pterosaurs said they saw the hungry sea swallow up both the sun and the moon a few days ago. Then the rabbit made a plot to throw apples resembling the red sun during the day and lemons resembling the yellow moon into the sea at night. The sea, which was full when the apple was thrown, spat out the sun again the next morning, and the moon again that night when the lemon was thrown. The penguin living on the beach said he would take the job, and the rest of the animals gathered apples and lemons in the box. Sometimes the sun and moon disappeared on the day the penguin forgot or went on vacation, but bright light came back in the forest.
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