찾으시는 취미가 있나요?

클래스 스토리937개의 글

I started working out in mid-April, and I've been working out for three hours every day, six days a week. At the end of August, I took a body prop with a body fat rate of 14 percent, and like you, I'm fascinated by weight training. I've been exercising with the intention of targeting muscles in a precise position every time I do each movement, and I'm nervous because I want to exercise for a long time without injury every moment. I thought this kind of tendency fit well with Bae Jita's exercise program, and through this class, I want to meet myself who has changed a bit by learning the use and posture of muscles and exercising in a balanced manner with more abundant information:) I hope you all cheer up and have a great time to learn together. :)
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I used to work out and build walls, and I started working out last year, but... Now, even the space for exercise is gone. ᅮᅮᅮ.. I'm going to start again at home. I don't think it's going to be easy. I would like to get help from you. I'll try Yol-yum-mi.
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My goal is to restore it to its original condition.I have a lot of stomachs because I have an ET-type body type, but now I feel like it's dripping down to my belly fat. I'm going to get rid of all this.🔥🔥🔥
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I've succeeded in losing weight to some extent, but I think my diet was stressful for me. I got bulimia, so I got a yo-yo again. His body fat went up from 17 percent to 24 percent. After this class of Baejita, I want to succeed in a yo-yo-free diet and go to a maintainer for the rest of my life. I'll look forward to your class. 😊
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