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클래스 스토리886개의 글

크리에이터가 고정함
Clerme, everyone! I'm reading the comments for the mission. There are people who have already completed the translation mission.Isn't it amazing that the same sentence is translated differently? But I want to tell you a few things because this line is a drama line, so you have to translate it into text enough to end the main character's speech in 2~3 seconds! (If the ignition is cut in 2 to 3 seconds, the subtitles will catch your eye in 2 to 3 seconds!) 예를 들면, 曾经我以为时间能治愈一切를 I once thought time would solve everything. Like a smoother translation of "I thought time would solve everything." And there's no need to translate the original structure and the conjunction exactly as it is! 예를 들면 ~原来时间带走的只有岁月。而我却始终停留在原地~ 사이가 마침표로 끊어졌다고 해서 "I realized that time was the only thing that took me. But I was always there, rather than staying there. "But it's only time that takes me, and I'm always there." That's how you can do it! I'll slowly add the translation that you've written. Thank you for your kindness!
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크리에이터가 고정함
There are a lot of people who are having a hard time translating. I'll leave a fixed comment on my translation. It's just for reference! You have to do it yourself! The landscape along the road, the vast ranch between summer and autumn, the high mountains that look like fog, and the lake that shines as transparent as glass under the clear sky... And there are people there. People who met for the first time but looked familiar. Warm eyes and laughter stayed deep in each other's affectionate hugs. I saw the beautiful figure they drew. On November 4, when the second season of "Hello, Life" ended, the warm narration led viewers to a world of anticipation and imagination. Next to the lake, hosts and guests sing and dance to their heart's content, and talk about the future under the starlight. Then, with tears in their eyes, the story ends by praying for each other's well-being. How did all this happen? Let's go back to the beginning of the story and look at the beginning of the dream In early 2020, the coronavirus outbreak slowed down our lives and made us look back on ourselves. How can we define 'happy life' in the post-corona era? Season 2 of <Hi, Life> finds the answer to this topic.
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크리에이터가 고정함
>> Announcement of amendments <<>> (09:47) There was an error in the translation of the existing video, so I corrected it and uploaded it again. (11:32) I have changed some of the original text of the class notes to reflect your classmates' opinions. [Existing] shall promptly report the process and details of the performance of the duties to "B" by means of wired and wireless communication when requested by A while performing his/her duties. [Change] shall promptly report the process and details of the performance of the duties to "A" by means of wired and wireless communication when requested by A while performing his/her duties.
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크리에이터가 고정함
>> Announcement of amendments <<>> (16:16) I have changed some of the original text of the class notes to reflect your classmates' opinions. [Existing] shall promptly report the process and details of the performance of the duties to "B" by means of wired and wireless communication when requested by A while performing his/her duties. [Change] shall promptly report the process and details of the performance of the duties to "A" by means of wired and wireless communication when requested by A while performing his/her duties.
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