찾으시는 취미가 있나요?

클래스 스토리1059개의 글

1. Why do you want to learn sushi? I like food very much. We enjoy and value various elements such as the culture, the mind of the creator, and fresh ingredients in each food. Sushi is a food that reveals these things clearly. I wanted to learn sushi because I thought I would be very proud to make such food and serve it to other people. 2. Which curriculum are you looking forward to the most in your class? - Second step in making sushi no.5: I'm looking forward to the Shari part the most. When I tried to make sushi at home, the biggest difference was rice, and I'm so curious about where that difference comes from and how I can make it. It would be great if we could listen to the class and make different rice!
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I listened to the class, went out to the fish market, bought ingredients, and prepared hanchi and sea bream. Hanchi had a hard time getting rid of the shell inside. Domi couldn't peel well, so I tried Mascawa. Next time, I want to make a delicious Dohwa Shrimp Sushi!
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They say the beginning is half the battle, but you're going to make infinite progress. I hope you stay strong.
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1. That's a very simple reason. As a person who loves sushi, I have a desire to do it at home. Can I make it at home?I did it with a vague expectation. Thanks to him, my wife is looking forward to it. We've got a problem. 2. Of course, I'm looking forward to everything. Of course, I'm worried about fish trimming. I'm going to have my wife give me a back rub me the wrong way. From buying fish at the fish market to food waste and fishy smell... I'm dead. I'm curious about Shari, too. If I find out, I want to eat Shari all week long.I'm in big trouble because things have gotten bigger.
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The comments are so funny. Let's all cheer up!
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I want to buy a container for Netta, how can I search for it?
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더 많은 실제 후기를 만날 수 있어요!
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