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클래스 스토리595개의 글

크리에이터가 고정함
I'm listening to your master's lecture. I deeply reflected on the fact that I had neglected the lighting interior and moved on to the practice right away. "I don't know if I don't practice it" We've added/replaced/changed a lot of lights on the front door and entrance side. All the lights are sensor lights, and the LED lights that give points are purchased separately by purchasing a sensor switch (set to 1 minute). The construction took place over two days last Saturday and Sunday. Since my major in university is electrical engineering, I was able to construct myself. It would have cost a lot to call an engineer. First of all, I briefly summarize the pictures and share them. There are more parts, but there is also personal privacy, so I captured only a part of it. I'd like others to put it into practice. My major is electricity, so I can help you a little bit. After finishing the work, after lighting up, my wife and kids especially like it. Among them, the youngest's evaluation was the best. "Dad, my house turned into an art museum," and the fatigue of heavy labor (electricity corporation is heavy labor) ran away for two days. Everything is thanks to the professor. Once again~ "Not practicing is not knowing". Thank you.
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Teacher Jung Sangcheol. You're amazing. Excellent ^^ Just by looking at the picture, it really feels like an art museum. It's so bright and warm that your daughter's exclamation touches me. Thanks for sharing it with me, it will be a valuable reference for everyone who takes the lecture. Do you realize that the atmosphere in the house has changed dramatically just by changing the lights? Your life will change a lot in the future. I'll cheer for you!
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You're so cool.~ I can't believe it's applied to the interior. Your driving force is really cool!You're the best ^^
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크리에이터가 고정함
Baekho's energy is strong. It's strange.
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댓글 2개 전체 보기
Blue Dragon is deeply related to organizational life and honor (literature), and Baekho is deeply related to property management, practicality (scientific), and practical aspects. For your information, I used the spatial term east, west, north, and south. In terms of geomancy's topographic landscape (formal theory), "front, rear, left, right" is a more accurate term. In other words, it divides the space around plasma (my house). Feng Shui is a logical development of the interpretation of bad luck with the theory of punishment and selfishness, and my class is mainly about punishment ^^ Among the many explanations for feng shui interior, defense (e.g., do not have a bed in the north). If the front door is to the east, where should the main room be. For those born in the past few years, be careful of the orientation... This is interpreted mainly from the selfish point of view of Yin-Yang-Oh-Haeng, and my class considers the direction (jigi) in which the energy of the ground is input more important and develops the content. (Theory of Hyungseon) It's perfect to build a house and decorate it in consideration of both the theory of circumstances and selfishness, but there are many cases where two theories collide. If you are more interested in feng shui in the future, I think it would be good to study deeply while thinking about the theoretical system and roots.^^ Enjoy your future classes, consider your tendency, and supplement them with feng shui interior.~~
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I think I'm more attracted to metaphysical theory even when I'm in your class or when I hear other stories. Thank you for your sincere reply. The Chuseok holiday starts tomorrow. I hope you have a healthy Chuseok.
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Thank you. As you enjoy watching, I keep replying. ^^ Korea's theory of feng shui was influenced by Chinese feng shui, but there is a difference between China's topography and Korea's topography. On the Korean Peninsula, the mountain ranges are cute and delicate, and you can clearly grasp the direction and flow of the veins. Also, the energy of the ground is strong. That's why the location of the bed according to the direction of the lava flow is important. I'm influenced by the earth's energy. If it's offline, I'll explain a lot about why I'm teaching from a detailed perspective. That's too bad. When discussing bad luck from a circumstantial point of view, the ratio of 75% and 25% is applied. Currently, in Yangtaek Feng Shui, the theory of east-west history is often used (relatively easy for the general public to apply). For many other reasons..) The defense of the Eight Ways is the root of the East-West House theory. It's dangerous to argue and say that only one theoretical system is correct. Touch and apply it everywhere, but feng shui is an experience-based theory, so in reality, apply it like this and choose the best way.^^ Have a great Chuseok Hangawi. For those who are curious about Hyungseron and Lee Ki-ron, I'll fix the comments.~)
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크리에이터가 고정함
Thank you so much for giving the lecture with all your heart and soul. I was once again moved by the careful consideration for each student you posted. Although it took a while to complete the course, it was delayed because I wanted to concentrate on the course, but it was a great lecture and I wanted to repeat it. Thank you for your hard work.Thank you 👍👍👍
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