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클래스 스토리9915개의 글

크리에이터가 고정함
Shiny Topper
📌 Guide to Seoul Han Kang/Namsan font📌 Many of my classmates said that the letters come out thick when using the Seoul city typeface (Han River/Namsan) I uploaded a separate font file of Seoul City typeface that I use through a class note. Seoul Hangang/Namsan body comes in several font thicknesses, so it seems that there is confusion when working😥 I recommend you to work with the font shown in <08 Seoul Hansangche> or <08 Seoul Namsangche> :)
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크리에이터가 고정함
Shiny Topper
🔥 Precautions for downloading the Cameo 5 program and connecting to the PC🔥 When using ✔ ️ Cameo 5, the program must be downloaded to the latest version! If it is not the latest version, the machine and PC may not be connected. The ✔ ️ Cameo 5 has a Bluetooth connection, so please make sure that your PC has a Bluetooth connection. 📌 If it's a PC that doesn't support Bluetooth, please prepare a separate 'dongle' for the wireless receiver. Please prepare a 📌 or USB connector. ⭐Cameo 5 Wireless Connection Bluetooth Receiver (Dongle) Purchase Link https://smartstore.naver.com/silhouettestore/products/9622833257 ⭐Cameo 5 UBS connection cable purchase link (for both Cameo, Portrait, and Curio) https://smartstore.naver.com/silhouettestore/products/6972845975
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Shiny Topper
New Premium Blade Machine Mounted ☝☝
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I changed the cutting mat and finished the test. Failed to retrieve registration mark.ㅜ What should I do?ㅜ
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Shiny Topper
Are you talking about dombo cutting? Please check if the dome mark is printed well when printing the picture! Turn off all the machine programs and turn them on again!
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크리에이터가 고정함
Shiny Topper
💡 How to use 100% of the bright topper online class💡 1. Please take the course according to the order of the class curriculum. ✔You need to learn from the installation of the ️ program, familiarity with copyright content, and basic techniques in order so that you can easily proceed with more difficult tasks in the future. If you skip the early ✔ ️ class or skip it without enough practice, your skills may be delayed. ✔ Please complete the ️ practice mission! 2. Please check the class materials (= class notes) and fixed comments. The class materials (= class notes) provided for each ️ of ✔ classes are the same as textbooks. This is a key summary of the contents of each ✔ ️ class at once. ✔ I have included all the details that I have not been able to tell you in the ️ class or that have been added or changed. When taking ✔️, make sure to refer to the class notes + fixed comments! 3. Please continue to practice repeatedly. ✔ Creating a ️ topper is an iterative task. The more you do, the better your skills will be! ✔Please take the course every day until you are able to freely create the work you want without the ️ class video, and practice every day! 4. Please leave a comment if you don't understand or find it difficult. The biggest advantage of the ✔ ️ Bright Topper start-up group is individual feedback. It is difficult to answer your questions immediately due to the limitations of online classes, but we are trying to give as much detailed feedback as possible as you wait. Rather than "I'll ask you next time" and "I'll find out somehow," I think you'll get better results if you ask about the difficulties right away and solve them. ** Feedback tip! If you look at the previous comments before the question, you can find common questions and answers! :) ❤️🔥 A bright topper will help you through all the growth processes of your classmate looking forward to a new beginning. Through this class, I hope you can set a goal that you want
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Is the price including the material cost? How many months are you taking?
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Shiny Topper
You can purchase a course ticket only or as a [Basic Kit] with ingredients The ^^ course is 20 weeks!
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크리에이터가 고정함
Shiny Topper
📌 Precautions for cutting the test 📌 The test cutting is done by default at the top left of the mat. After the test cutting, do not press [Send] when cutting the draft Please move the location of the draft to the right and cut it!!
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