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클래스 스토리812개의 글

Thank you for watching YouTube and the Essence of Chess! It's a chess inside video, so I applied for the class without any worries. Opening, middle game, end game, strategy, and tactics are all lacking, so I'm looking forward to all lectures. Up to a million subscribers, Chess Inside, fighting!
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Chess Inside
1 million subscribers are too many, so it's going to be too much, but I feel good just imagining it :) Thank you!
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It is very impressive that you listened to the parable of Lego. I bought my son a Lego for the first time, who turned four this year, and I thought he'd lose a block, so I made it perfect according to the instructions, and I told him to play with it. And when my son broke it while he was playing, he got really mad. I suddenly thought of that later on. I'm not going to keep it anyway, but I think I'm too sensitive to play with. When I realized my son wasn't playing around with Lego, and he was looking at me... I broke it first. And let's make it together. Now he's putting it on himself, making it, and playing. What if I lose a block? It's not even a resale. And I realized it today. I think I had perfection in me without realizing it. I don't want to lose, and if I lose a block, I lose a piece of property, and I lose a game. I've been so obsessed with this. I think playing chess with people is getting scary and boring. Nelson's phrase, "You don't lose, you learn," is very touching. So I'm going to go get rid of it again today. No, I'm going to go learn. Thank you. ^^
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Chess Inside
Thank you for sharing your story with your son! I am worried that society is gradually changing into an atmosphere that forces perfection. At school, at work, even at friendships, we have to be perfect. Maybe the influence of SNS or media is too great. Chess is a game, and games are for fun. Lego is a toy and it's playing with for pleasure. I think it is the beginning of imagination and creativity not to suppress that infiniteness. What a great decision to break your son's Lego first! Fighting :)
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The chess kit is here today! I'm surprised it's bigger and heavier than I thought. I'm thrilled to think it's for the competition. It's like a chess board from Queens Gambit. It's better to see the wood on the market than the plastic and magnets. From now on, I'm gonna have to find someone to keep me company. Haha
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Chess Inside
Chess should be played with wood! I can't wait for Corona to end and hold an offline competition. Have fun playing chess with your family and friends. :)
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I'm looking forward to the class. :)
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