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클래스 스토리10668개의 글

크리에이터가 고정함
I think it will be about -14% if we buy up to the 5th round and cut it off. Assuming that the principal was purchased at 10 million won, the first profit seems to be about 80,000 won, the second profit is about 160,000 won, and the third profit is about 240,000 won. If you break up after the fifth purchase, it'll be -1.4 million won. Assuming that 6 to 70 percent of the stocks are profitable from the first purchase and 30 percent of the rest (second, third, fourth purchase), the expected sales revenue is about 160,000 won, and then the winning rate should be approximately 90 percent to make a profitable structure. (There's a difference because it's calculated roughly by eye measure.) The winning rate is over 95 percent during the lecture, so it's a profit-making structure, but as you said, it seems to be a trade that is concerned about profit or loss, is there anything I missed?
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Trader Whale
You've paid well. The third digit is the most fundamental part of the digit methodology and trading methodology. It's the easiest to follow, and the winning rate is good, so novices will be able to do it during the small practice period. You can think of it as a good methodology to learn to invest in trading. In order to maximize profits, we don't just sell using the third digit. Application of seat 2, seat 1, seat 4, and seat 3, etc. It is good to mix and use in a timely manner. And the more skilled you are, the more likely you are, the more likely you are to befitting your taste. You'll get used to what position to use. In the future, we'll be using a variety of strategies to make sense of the situation. I hope you become a good trader. ^^
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I understand. Thank you for the comments.
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If you choose a wrong stock, you can eat the first purchase profit 12 times at a time of loss, as this person said. HIGH-RISK-LOW-RETURN TRADING METHOD, I think we should be very careful in selecting stocks.
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1. If the transaction costs break through the box, the price is newly formed - because the previous volume was raised by the principal. - I've put in a lot of money, so I expect you'll try to sell it at a higher price somehow. - If money comes in and transactions and stock prices continue to rise, the subject will start selling. - If you start selling, the transaction will be paid with a bar. 2. The criteria for selecting stocks are 100 billion won plus the closing price of the event exceeds the one-year. - Pierce the box, which means it's easy for the subject to control the stock price to the target. 3. Beekeeping should be around 15%. 4. Selling at the beginning of a cascade rise 5. Through the section where the money came in, the flat unit price can be estimated and sold. - If it does not more than double, the sale can be considered.
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Trader Whale
Thank you for the neat arrangement. ^^
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This core summary! Thank you so much!
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Thank you, Whale. As a person who studied through YouTube educational videos, I had a good study because of the changes in this lecture. What I'm curious about is... In the past, they taught me how to use quarantine, cross, and how to magnify. In this lecture, I would like you to teach me additionally what situation to give me, whether it is isolation, crossing, or magnification. You gave a lecture that it was a financial situation, but from a beginner's point of view, you need to have standards to buy and sell according to your situation. And when it comes to selling 5 portions of salary, we calculate it in units of sticks and split it, but when the market changes, what level is appropriate for us to take the lecture? I think we can make progress by calculating profits and losses and judging that we may have to buy them in installments at some point. And there's no information about the Olymp trade, but I'd like to know if I can study as it is on YouTube. (You're judging the direction by drawing a trend line compared to the YouTube lecture, but I'm just curious if there's a trade method that has changed since then.) I wonder if it's a full market price or split when the one-minute salary enters. Please teach us about the above.
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