찾으시는 취미가 있나요?

Hello, I'm a 33-year-old woman. As soon as I graduated from university, I got a job at an academy and started working, but I've been doing visiting classes since two years ago. Things worked out better than my first goal, so my income is more stable than when I was in the academy. But these days, I'm under stress because I'm so tired of my work that I keep delaying what I have to do. I can do what I have to do when I'm stressed, but I'm tired of myself avoiding my daily commitment to the point where I'm overshadowed. Therefore, when dealing with children or parents, I become very sensitive to small words and actions and feel anxious. Since I'm not proud of myself, I feel like I'm going to snowball and get crushed. Work is work, but I also feel anxious about my relationship with my lover since I was 20 years old. I want to move on from 13 years of dating to marriage, but my boyfriend hasn't settled in yet and I don't have much money saved up, so I'm always tired because I feel like I'm in the same place. I have a complex about my appearance, so I keep delaying meeting my boyfriend's parents. As I have written so far, every day feels like I'm barely walking on the ground where there's an earthquake. I thought my self-esteem grew a lot compared to when I was in my teens and when I was in my early 20s. Whenever I was shaken like this, I felt that my relationship with myself was not good, so I applied for this lecture. I want my heart to be calm. I want to be a person who has the power to calm down in any situation.
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