찾으시는 취미가 있나요?

(When I was counseling at the counseling center, I had a mission to write an emotional diary because I was not good at expressing and recognizing my emotions, but it's hard to write it after a long time. There's no comment yet, but there's no answer, so I'll write it comfortably.) 오늘 How I felt today: Fear, anxiety, nervousness, frustration, sadness, sadness, sadness, relief, anticipation -I woke up later than usual because I was at home today, but I was scared because I had a bad dream and regretted oversleeping. However, I decided not to worry too much and shook off my anxiety. -My self-esteem, which has fallen for several years, has not recovered and continues to be affected by work, but when I work from home, I keep blaming myself for not being more efficient, and I feel frustrated every time I work. - Recently, I heard the news of the deaths of people in their 20s and 30s repeatedly around me, and it was heartbreaking and difficult because I kept thinking about it. Everyone chose death on their own, but the reasons may be different, but there were times when I had a hard time, so I understood it with all my heart and felt sorry. -On the other hand, in the past, I was swept away because I couldn't distinguish between external events and other people's feelings from mine, and when I heard such bad news, I was seriously depressed, but I'm glad I didn't flounder as before. If you learn meditation from next month, you can get to know yourself more and control yourself, so you can look forward to it.
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