찾으시는 취미가 있나요?

1. I'm thirsty. - Maintaining a peaceful mind If not every moment, I hope you can review your day, purify yourself, and sleep peacefully when you go to bed. In order to do that, I think I need to improve my physical strength. Love me just the way I am. It's better than before, but I still have a side to push myself. I would like you to acknowledge yourself as you are and say that you worked hard with a affectionate heart. 2. Artwork. - Achieving economic freedom (more than 1.5 billion won) Build the house you want and live in old age. 3. Black. - Relationship where we respect each other. Even if we don't understand each other 100%, we have warm conversations based on respect. - Relationship where we can learn from each other. A relationship where we can learn even trivial things and thoughts from each other and create positive synergy. 4. Darma. - Having the most expertise when you retire. constantly learning, applying, and recording for him. - Be a guide to my colleagues. Being a cool senior who can sympathize with and solve their difficulties. I was confused between Moksha and Dharma, so I looked it up. Moksha is similar to nirvana, and Dharma is similar to vocation. Arta, Kka, and Dharma lived with thoughts, but I never thought of Moksha. Moxia is important to be happy every day, but I guess I forgot. Thank you for your enlightenment.♡
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