찾으시는 취미가 있나요?

As I was writing, I realized again how serious dysfunctional I had been and bothered me. crying In fact, I usually try to change this dysfunctional thinking, but I can understand it with my head, but it keeps going back to square one like a devil's whisper. But I'll continue to train! 1. Incident: A few students give video lectures during real-time classes, but they receive complaints as feedback that they don't know why they do it in real-time. 2. Thinking: "What is this?" I always do my best to prepare for it. Is this all you can say? Real-time is harder for me, too. I said I was considerate, but I'm being too mean. Is the class not good? Is there something wrong with my class? I'm working hard. I'm losing energy. I hate to work. I don't want to do anything. Who are you doing this for?" I continued to think like this and ran to the end of negative thoughts. 3. Inverse thinking: excessive generalization, pessimistic thinking, emotional reasoning, etc. 4. Counterargument: Of the dozens of students taking my class, only a few have complaints. The rest of the students are listening well. I can't satisfy everyone. Let's improve the teaching method so that students can participate more by taking advantage of the advantages of real-time classes. And let's try a video lecture. Then it's comfortable for me without time constraints. People are all different, and what they think and want is all different. Don't try to get everything right!
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