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클래스 스토리340개의 글

It's been a while since I used it, so it's awkward but I'm updating :) There are so many clean books, but I don't really read them. crying In many cases, I buy a book that I wanted to buy at first, but I don't read it as time goes by. Would it be better to throw it away boldly? By chance, I saw that it was better to read one book properly than to read several 10 books in the book. It's not easy to throw away countless books boldly, but I think it's time to keep them for a long time and throw them away boldly. Please give me advice on what to do when that happens. 💡
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Geum-ah, who filled the notebook, shines with her sincerity. I have a lot of books, and I can't fill the bookshelf, so my desk is full of books. Well, if it were me, I would try to read at least several books while keeping them in the bookshelf and in the room, not in the living room. It's good to read a book properly, but I think it's also good to broaden the boundaries of emotions you can feel while reading several books. Haha. Like a book in the bedroom, a book in the bathroom, a book in the kitchen! If you don't have any regrets because you read a lot, the time has come to throw it away according to Geum-ah's words! It would be fun to write about breaking up with a book!
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When I came into the room after finishing my normal day, I could see traces of summer scattered on the floor. A short-sleeved blouse that I collected saying the colors were similar but the design was slightly different, a new dress that I bought this summer, a cool color lipstick and blusher that I bought to apply bright colors for the hot summer, and a refreshing fragrance for the hot summer. I organized the room by looking around my summer and the small daily lives contained in each object. I guess my 20-year-old summer wasn't just boring. These days, the chilly wind is already blowing in the last week of September, but I'm wrapping up the summer only today and welcoming a new season of autumn.
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Hello, Taeyoung! I'm Baek Gahee. It's already been three months. Taeyoung's day three months ago left traces of her busy summer! I also sympathized and read it because they compared the not-so-boring summer to traces of the room. How is your 20-year-old winter going? I think it'd be fun to write about a room that changes every season! Thank you for your efforts.
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I'll listen to it diligently.
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I hope you read the comments from Passionate Passion Sua in the last class.
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Let's discover romance in our daily lives with the writer! I'm the one who's been dragged by the title "Romantic Writing". I hope my garden will be filled with romance.
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