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클래스 스토리794개의 글

I remember reading your book when I was in college. It's the second book I've ever read. Haha
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When I went to Japan, I went to any store without any thought and ate dessert menu snacks.I remember I was surprised that the sugar in Asakusa was so delicious. The cake was also delicious.^^I agree!
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1. I like restaurants that are neat and well organized on the outside, and I like the atmosphere where people who work internally look bright and work as a team with little difference between the boss, staff, and part-timers. 2. After being discharged from the military, I started as a barista, went through baking, and now I'm on the cooking path. All of them are precious experiences that made me who I am, regardless of good and bad, but I think the most useful experience was the experience that I am cooking now. 3. In a way, you might think that I changed my job without any backbone, but since I was in the army, my goal was to open my own store and create my own brand with everything in it. I think there's a man at the end of everything. There are only different types of coffee, desserts, and dishes, but there are always people at the end, so I want to convey my positive mind to my family, friends, and customers with something I make.
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I think it's too hard to find a trend that can't go too far ahead or fall behind. You're amazing in that respect. ^^ Hong Seok-cheon is the best~
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