
In an age where everyone needs a brand, a personal branding introductory class with a supporting role

10 chapters · 6 hours 37 minutes
English · Japanese · Korean|Audio Korean

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Where is your brand positioned?

체크리스트 결과표

▶ ︎ Checklist results table

The problem with people who don't know personal branding is that there are many people who don't even know what stage they are in.

If you spend most of your life without knowing who you are, where you are, what you like and what you're good at, or where you're going, you're bound to encounter a long, boring, and poor life.

Therefore, strong [personal branding] is necessary.

Why is personal branding necessary?

Why should I do personal branding?
I want to live a normal and quiet life...

Of course, I didn't do branding from the beginning either. Right after I graduated from college, I became a full-time housewife due to marriage and childbirth.

At the age of thirty, I'm not on a career break at all No career It was in a state. She was nothing more than a shabby and anxious aunt with two children.

My first job was teaching English language books.

I don't know how others might see it, but it was such a great job for me. As I enjoyed the class, I received the first place in the quarter and the grand prize of the year.

Since then, I've been promoted to a manager who no longer has to teach kids.

He continued to perform excellently, and was promoted over and over again as the first branch director, director, and general manager from a teacher, and was recognized as a mythical presence in the company.

I thought it would be a trouble-free life if I lived so hard.

I thought I'd bury my bones at work.

For the first time, I lived with the modifier of best, so I was sure I would bury my bones there.

However, when I left the place I had always believed in as a job and moved three or four times, I was confronted with the appearance of being an early thirty-something girl.

I asked myself. “What the hell do you want to do?”

And I made up my mind. I decided to go the path where I can live on my own without being swayed by anyone anymore...

I joined a company called “Jo Yeon-shim” as my last job.

personal branding,

The process of defining and proving yourself.

퍼스널 브랜딩 분야 12년, 10권의 책

▶ ︎ 12 years, 10 books in the field of personal branding

That's how I hired myself and promised myself that I would publish a new book every year.

This year marks 12 years since I made the promise. 10 booksI proved myself and became my own personal brand.

You too can be a personal brand.

The era of self-employment,

Personal branding is a must.

Tom Peters, selected by this management expert">

▶ ︎ The era of corporate responsibility is over, and the era of individuals taking responsibility for themselves is here_<Fortune >Selected by Tom Peters

When we live, everyone lives without belonging. The era of self-employment, where you live responsibly on your own, is coming.

When that happens, just what you need Searchable [personal branding] It's.

You don't believe that one day it will happen if you just work hard and do your best, right?

If you randomly follow someone who has succeeded, they stop over and over again because they don't match you. If you repeat this imitation, the result is that you worked hard but didn't do anything.

In order not to become a lazy person even though they have worked hard, they must become a personal brand.

A personal brand?

There must be a quantified score.

수치화된 스코어가 당신의 전문성을 증명해 줄 수 있다.

▶ ︎ The quantified score can prove your expertise.

What is the key to successful personal branding Quantized scoresYou must have, you must also find your professional essence, and you must also find your personal essence.

To that end, I have a brand pyramid and a step-by-step process that I'll show you, and there's a clear FAB formula to introduce yourself.

You need to find your field of focus, carry out projects based on search terms that represent you, and build your experience online as a portfolio.

Independent, freelancer, portfolio, project, digital nomad, entrepreneur, IoT, personal brand, platform, network, outsourcing, collaboration, big data, digital reputation, single person enterprise...

With these keywords representing the fourth industry, creating wealth and awareness with personal brands is the “personal branding” formula we want to do.

3 steps to building a personal brand!

First, it creates a searchable self.

This starts with recording digitally.

In the era of Ontact (Ontact), the way to meet yourself online is data.

Data is piled up online in the form of content. Content such as text, photos, images, and videos is piled up to become big data, which in turn leads to a digital reputation and becomes a measure of my value.

Searched on blogs, Facebook, YouTube, posts, brunch, audio clips, Naver TV, etc. My personaCisco also announced that it would be more valuable than my actual self.

Second, it makes me a tradable person.

3P(Product / Platform / Price)

I need to create a 3P (Product/Platform/Price) so that I can sell well. Create products or services, post them on a platform so that they can be distributed, and charge an appropriate price.

Then they do PR (Project + Record) to sell well and repeat this until a hit comes out. The key is to keep trying to sell myself to smart stores, Wadiz, Tumblebuck, Class 101, etc.

Third, I create a trustworthy self.

The most important keyword in personal branding is “trust (trust).” Trust is created by accumulating time to finally do what I promised myself. And at the end of the day, it's the slowest and most powerful word to be completed with the reputation of others.

When it comes to personal branding, the most powerful enemy that stops you is yourself. Trust is a word that can only be obtained by pushing these words out of my life, such as “in its own way,” “if this is the case,” and “at this point.”

What will be different after taking this class?

퍼스널 브랜딩

Personal brands change lives.

#검색가능한 #거래가능한 #지속가능한 You can become a personal brand.

You get to know who you are.

You'll learn what you like and what you're good at, and what you should eat and live with.

You'll learn how to prepare and train. You will live a self-directed life on your own.

Everyone starts with a blank page.

“Ehew, how do you do all of that?”
Are you already giving up because you feel burdened?

I also started with a blank slate at first. As such, I am now a person who receives contacts from companies, government offices, media, and individuals.

It is a high-paying personal brand supporting actor who is asked for lectures, columns, projects, consulting, and talk shows related to personal branding.

In this class 101, I included various experiences and knowledge I personally experienced over the past 12 years in the personal branding formula.

Let's work with me to fill in the answers one by one according to the personal brand equation, the seven-step process for building a personal brand, and the FAB self-introduction sentence formula.

After all, “Aha!” The moment will come, and you'll have time as a voluntary outsider to find answers to your own questions.

With personal branding

Many people's lives are changing.

조연심의 퍼스널 브랜딩 아카데미 후기

▶ ︎ Jo Yeon-shim's Personal Branding Academy review

People who need a personal brand,

It's you.

No matter what kind of life you live or dream, I will support your course.

If you want to live in your own name, if you want to raise your ransom significantly,

And if you want to do what you want to do and live freely,

We hope that you will build your own personal brand through this class.

You'll understand the formula and process for personal branding, where it was hard to know where to start.

We'll see you in class!

Class Kit · Coaching Session

💌 Personal branding master Jo Yeon-shim Direct 1:1 coaching (2 sessions)

  • You can ask a total of 2 questions per coaching ticket.
  • For each question, we will write an answer of around 250 characters and send it to you.
  • First, a worksheet mission leaves at the end of each chapter. We will help you complete the mission by coaching you on areas you don't know about or personal difficulties related to the mission.
  • Second, in the part where personal branding theory and practice go hand in hand, applying theory to practice can feel difficult. We will provide coaching for each person in this area according to their situation.
  • In addition, we will coach questions related to the content of the personal branding course within the limits of the answers.
  • Coaching is answered sequentially by the borrower based on the date the questions were received. This may take at least 7 to 10 days.
  • If not used within the period, no refund will be given.

📩 The package is subject to some changes, and we will be fully informed if there are any changes.



yeonsim cho

yeonsim cho


I'm a supporting knowledge communicator.

I want to be at the center of influence that moves the world by coaching your brand so that it can communicate with the world.

I live with the simple verb dream of “play, eat, and write,” but I currently have more than 5 jobs.

I live as a writer, lecturer, CEO, columnist, talk show host, director of Boo Brand Research Institute, and Director of Mom Market Research.

The books I've written so far are <Personal Branding also has a formula>, <Prove Me >, <Discovering the Process> <300 Project (co-authored) >, <Compete with Personal Brand (co-authored) >, <<>I'm a brand> Self-esteem (co-author) >, <My competitiveness (co-author) >, <M leadership>, <woman, go beyond beauty and stand at the center of the world>

Naver Audio Clip runs your brand research center, and also runs Naver TV.

The T-Story blog, which has been together for 10 years with a cumulative total of over 1 million visitors<Knowledge Communication Jo Yeon-shim's e-blog> and the e-person Jo Yeon-shim met >, who interviewed more than 200 people, is also hosting <Jo Yeon-shim's brand show>.

This class is an online course of the Personal Branding Academy. It consists of theory+practice+practice, and is easy and clear so that even beginners can follow along as much as they want.

Are you still wondering if you should or should not do it?

Are you hesitating about how to do all of these things?

Don't worry

I also started with nothing on a blank sheet of paper.

As an aunt with two children, I did this without a career.

No certifications, master's doctoral dissertations, TOEIC scores, overseas training experience, and no strings attached to anyone

I was able to get to my current position.

I'm putting all the experience and knowledge of the past 12 years into a formula and sharing it with you.

So don't hesitate to get started.

The smallest venture in the world is you.

I want to be at the center of the influence that moves the world.

I'm a supporting knowledge communicator.

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Notes on Copyright Protection

  • All videos and materials included in the class are protected intellectual property under relevant laws.
  • You may face legal action if you copy, distribute, transmit, modify or edit the videos or materials included in the class without permission.
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