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Transform Your Vlog into Cinematography
Photography | sueddu
Video made with a cell phone, a record of precious time
Photography | sueddu
Photography & Editing, All from Your Phone: The Beginner’s Photography Class
Photography | Gyeonghoon
Learning senses rather than technology, how to emotionally record everyday life with a smartphone
Photography | My Safe Space
Capture Magical Day-to-Day Moments in Your Life
Photography | Meltingframe
David Suh Teaches How to Make Your Clients Feel like Kings & Queens with Photography
Photography | David Suh
A vlog that ends with 4 situations, a video production method that makes ordinary everyday life like a movie
Photography | soigreen
Take Professional & High Quality Photos Using Your Smartphone
Photography | Geek TV
Color correction is the ultimate! Leave your own everyday life like a moment in a movie
Photography | jinhyeok_hahn
An emotional correction method that captivated 80,000 people, “Creating a color that calls for followers” with a single smartphone
Photography | minsome
Making The Most Of Your Space: High Production Value Photography On A Budget
Photography | Kate Woodman
Create your own brand full of emotion with just one smartphone!
Photography | nmnu
Record precious moments, <Making smartphone vlog videos> (feat. VLLO)
Photography | YUIERO
Transform Your Vlog into Cinematography
Photography | OHouse
Emotional photo play and retouching that adds a special touch to everyday life
Photography | kellyandsue
Poses are the perfect way to complete a portrait! Pose direction for everyone to become a celebrity
Photography | lee junhee
Your own video diary! Shoot and edit in one day with the VLLO app!
Photography | Sani
From hobby to pro! Anyone can take a film photo that tells a story
Photography | chaemoo
Complete character retouching that anyone can learn, from hobbies to profits
Photography | PixPerfect
It's possible if you only need pictures of food that costs money, simple home-cooked meals, and a smartphone
Photography | yeonheeshouse