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Transform Your Vlog into Cinematography
Photography | sueddu
Video made with a cell phone, a record of precious time
Photography | sueddu
Learning senses rather than technology, how to emotionally record everyday life with a smartphone
Photography | My Safe Space
A vlog that ends with 4 situations, a video production method that makes ordinary everyday life like a movie
Photography | soigreen
Record precious moments, <Making smartphone vlog videos> (feat. VLLO)
Photography | YUIERO
Transform Your Vlog into Cinematography
Photography | OHouse
Your own video diary! Shoot and edit in one day with the VLLO app!
Photography | Sani
Producing vlogs and movies with analog sensibility and movie quality
Photography | 23iii
Video editing ALL-IN-ONE
Photography | Jay
200% increase in video quality, dynamic video shooting techniques that even beginners can use
Photography | Youngkwang Ahn
Making a video with just one smartphone from Geumson's boyfriend, Kyungsik
Photography | kyung6film
10 minutes of shooting, 30 minutes of editing, and you're done! Making videos that cost money with just one smartphone
Photography | Cherry queen
The secret of 1 million views, a video production method that attracts subscriptions and revenue starring 600,000 IT YouTubers
Photography | ZUYONI
Let's be a faceless YouTuber! Using animation tools to create videos
Photography | Ha:mil
Create a CF-like review video with 1 million views on YouTube of Good Life
Photography | Treasure Hunter
"The Path of Film Director and Screen Writer" by Prominent Movie Director, Park Chan-wook
Photography | Park Chan-wook
Camcorder sensibility without a camcorder! Smartphone DIY camcorder teen vlog
Photography | 23iii
Create unique and sensational videos with your own handwriting and drawings
Photography | mareykrap
How to record travel and everyday life like a scene from a movie, video essay production class
Photography | Seo
How to create your own creative video, starting with one free program
Photography | Contents PD KANG