
Practical basketball shooting techniques only I want to know

1 chapters
English · Japanese · Korean|Audio Korean

Skills You’ll Learn

Practical basketball/shooting skills

5-step shooting 'Deep>Deliverer>Fuzz>Release>Follow through'
Shooting skills through

[Creator introduction]

I played basketball really hard.

As a result of my hard work, I even received two “Elite Basketball Club Scout Proposals.”

I would like to share with you my own basketball skills that I worked hard on as a “non-player & amateur”. I hope that my basketball skills know-how, which improved my basketball skills through practice and enlightenment, will help you develop your basketball skills.

[Class appeal]

This is a resource for improving shooting skills through sharing basketball shooting skills.

For those who have their own goals for basketball by opening tips on how to shoot

Your basketball skills will grow.

[Class goal]

We can help people who have the following goals: ^^

I hope your basketball skills will grow and you will achieve your goals. ^^

1. Those who are learning basketball for the first time

2. Those who want to play basketball better

3. Those who want to play basketball in style

4. Those who want to win a basketball tournament

5. Those who want to learn a variety of basketball techniques

6. Those who want to be a basketball shooter

[About what you actually learn in class]

It consists of a video lecture of 3 minutes and 46 seconds in total.

The shooting action is divided into the following 5 steps and explained how to shoot basketball.

Step 1: Dip

Step 2: Delivery

Step 3: Pause

Step 4: Release

Step 5: Follow Through

[What you can get from the class and how to use it after attending the course]

I shared tips on how to improve my shooting success rate in basketball.

Watch the video and practice over and over again in a live basketball game

I want to be the best shooter on my team.


※ This class is not an offline class, but a video course sale.

- Separate consulting is not included.

※ This class is not a live class, but a class that delivers video lectures!

- Video sharing is absolutely prohibited, and if a problem occurs, the sender is responsible for all responsibility.

This material is protected by the Copyright Act of the Republic of Korea.

All content written is owned by the author, and any use without the author's approval is prohibited.

Imprisonment for up to 5 years for unauthorized reproduction, distribution, or creation of secondary works in part or all of this material

Or claim a fine of 50 million won or less and compensation for civil damages.

Class Curriculum1

Practical basketball shooting techniques only I want to know

Class details

September 25, 2021 수강 시작
Rookie Difficulty · Video 2 · Attached file 0
총 0 minutes
Korean voice
Korean · English · Japanese Subtitles


basketball Jang

basketball Jang

I enjoyed playing basketball.

I really enjoyed playing basketball.

At some point, I wanted to be better at basketball.

I had a lot of experience doing that.

For those who want to improve their basketball skills with basketball know-how from my many experiences

I hope it helps a little bit.

[Creator's basketball history]

1. Basketball lessons for elementary/secondary/high school students

2. Elite Basketball Player [Intermediate/Advanced] Lesson

3. Adult lesson progress

[Creator Awards]

I will only be writing from 2019.

[2019 ~]

Lee Soo Bae won the 2019 3-Point Challenge [2 consecutive losses]

2019 Boryeong Mud Boat 3-Point Challenge Runner-up

2019 Incheon Metropolitan City Association Chairman Jang Bae 3x3 Wang Jung-wang Exhibition 3rd place

2020 NSB 3x3 Basketball Tournament Top 4 [Top scorer]

2020 Suwon 3x3 basketball tournament runner-up

Participated in the 2020 KBL Draft Public Tryout [from a non-player]

- Score in 24:13

2021 Siheung Sports & Kobae S4 Division 5v5 Basketball Tournament Winner

2021 Siheung Sports & Kobae S3 5v5 Basketball Tournament Winner

2021 Seoul Geumcheon-gu Cheongjangbae 5v5 Basketball Tournament Middle-aged and Senior Division Winner

2021 Seoul Geumcheon-gu Cheongjangbae 5v5 Basketball Tournament General Division Winner

- Tournament MVP (Most Valuable Player) Award

2022 Incheon Metropolitan Basketball Association Chairman Jang Bae won the Winter Three Five Division

2022 Incheon Metropolitan Basketball Association Chairman Jang Bae won the Winter Non-Elected Division

- Tournament MVP (Most Valuable Player) Award

[Creator video]





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Notes on Copyright Protection

  • All videos and materials included in the class are protected intellectual property under relevant laws.
  • You may face legal action if you copy, distribute, transmit, modify or edit the videos or materials included in the class without permission.
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