
Psychiatrist Dr. Yoon's "How to free ourselves from other people's evaluations"

10 chapters · 4 hours 49 minutes
English · Japanese · Korean|Audio Korean

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Skills You’ll Learn

Thought, the root cause of anxiety

You can learn about the overall process of finding and correcting distorted thoughts, the root cause of anxiety.

Understanding the symptoms of nervousness and anxiety

You can handle nervousness and anxiety well if you understand their symptoms.

Common misperceptions occuring in evaluating situation

Correcting your own misperceptions becomes easy once you understand their nature.

윤닥 인지행동 프로그램 실제 후기

▶ Actual reviews of Dr. Yoon's Cognitive Behavioral Therapy

“Is there a way to make a presentation without shaking?”
“I wish I didn't get anxious in important interviews”

Hi, I'm psychiatrist, Dr. Yoon. 윤닥 소개

▶ About Dr. Yoon

I'm an extrovert and enjoy hanging out with people. But whenever I stood in the midst of public attention or had to make good impression, I became too anxious and felt like running away. In fact, I tried to avoid such situation from beginning, and spent most of my energy guessing how other people would think of me.

But through cognitive behavioral therapy, I was able to overcome anxiety and nervousness of public evaluation situations. I hope I can share this experience with more people through this course and help them overcome anxiety as well.

Why are we afraid of other people's evaluations?

✅ Memory of feeling afraid to raise hand amongst fellow students

✅ Memory of heart thumping as you walk up front to make a presentation

✅ Memory of your limbs trembling before an important performance

✅ Memory of reporting the results of a major project to your boss

I think everyone probably has at least one or more of these memories.

Offline Class at Samsung Electronics

Like this, we often find ourselves concerned what other people around us would think of ourselves. We wonder what my friend, boss, colleagues, or even just a stranger would think of me as they pass by.

Why is it that we fear receiving other people's evaluation?

The root cause of this situation are misperceptions we have about others' evaluations.

The root cause is the misperceptions we have about other people's evaluations.

윤닥_스포츠 심리학 뉴스

▶ Dr. Yoon_Sport Psychology News

Fear and anxiety are amplified by repeated misperceptions about the other peoples' evaluations of others that you can't keep under control. Through this class, you can learn why external evaluations cause fear and what misperceptions you had yourselves.


  • Those who get too nervous to make a presentation in front of people
  • Those who become more anxious and can't perform well whenever they feel they should do well
  • Those who are afraid of receiving bad feedback from people around
  • Those who want to be acknowledged and loved but didn't work out

This class isn't just a typical psychology class filled with bunch of theories.

발표상황의 생각 오류

▶ Misperception about presentation situation

Before learning about cognitive behavioral therapy, we'll run assessments on level of anxiety and level of sensitivity about social evaluation.

After that we'll use 'automatic thought record' to find and correct the misperceptions in our thoughts and manage the level of anxiety.

  • Psychological Test
  • Automatic Thought Process Record Sheet
  • 3 Elements of Anxiety
  • Finding misperceptions
  • Dysfunctional Thought Record

As you follow the guidelines and record what comes across your mind, you'll be able to find the root cause of anxiety and take it under control.

A chance to bring out your full potentials hidden under anxiety

In this class, we'll change our views of important interviews and major stages.

Cognitive behavioral therapy is based on the psychological theory that how people think controls and maneuvers their action and emotions. Using cognitive behavioral therapy, we will do an in-depth analysis of where our thoughts are in moments of anxiety, find out the root cause and correct it.

Based on my past offline session experiences, I'd like to guide through an online cognitive behavioral therapy.

Cognitive behavioral therapy is a proven method with many successful participant reviews of controlling fear. I hope this class and cognitive behavioral therapy provides a changing moment for you to effectvely manage anxiety and free yourself from others' evaluations.

Have you ever messed up an interview or presentation because of anxiety?

After learning the theoretical background through this course, take time to have a thorough self-review of your automatic thoughts. You'll be able to overcome fear in no time. Once you free yourself from other people's evaluations, you'll have less negative emotions and better quality of life, allowing you to live up to your full potentials.

Now is the time to shrug off your anxiety.
Class Kit · Coaching Session

Required for the class

Here is an introduction to the kit.

1. All-in-one kit

It is a book written by psychiatrist Yun Dak himself. It uses cognitive behavioral techniques to identify the root causes of anxiety and to teach them how to overcome them scientifically and systematically.

Book “Why do I tremble when I only stand in front of others?” Learn how to find the cause of anxiety and correct it.

  • Product name: Book “Why do I tremble when I only stand in front of others?”
  • Publication date: September 20, 2019
  • Number of pages, weight: 320 pages, 506 g
  • Size: 153*224*20mm
  • ISBN13:9791162620250
  • ISBN10:1162620250



Dr. Yoon

Dr. Yoon

Hi, I'm Dr. Yoon, a psychiatrist.

We always compete one way or another and can't avoid moments of important evaluations like exams, interviews, or presentations. In such moments, too much nervousness and anxiety are big psychological barriers to showing our full potentials. What should we do to overcome fear and perform well?

Let's learn about cognitive behavioral therapy and use it to relieve excessive anxiety in evaluation situations. Using the method, you'll be able to show your best in your life-changing moments.

I hope this class becomes an invaluable time of growth for all of us.





정신과전문의 윤닥

정신과전문의 윤닥

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