HR labor management in the ITSW industry

6 chapters · 2 hours 58 minutes
English · Japanese · Korean|Audio Korean

Skills You’ll Learn

Step by step from theory

HR labor risk management with a focus on key topics and examples!

Complete organization of business issues

Efficient and legal HR management in the ITSW industry through practical labor law learning!

ITSW industry-centered HR management practice!

Focusing on labor laws that are commonly applied to all

It often happens from the ITSW industry standpoint Examples and solutionsI will give a lecture on.

The recruitment sugar of the MZ generation reflected HR management centered on the ITSW industry, which has a lot of sugar

✓ If you are like this, please take this course!

• Person in charge of HR and labor management within the company

• Team leader and management

클래스 수업 내용_1▶ Class lesson content_1

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▶ Class lesson content_2

Unique features of this class!

  • Personnel labor management issues during the probationary period before a formal contract
  • Issues related to flexible work, overtime allowances, and comprehensive wages arising from the nature of the industry
  • Precautions when operating as an in-house subcontract
  • Precautions when terminating a labor relationship (when dismissal is restricted)
  • Summary of overall HR labor management issues and concepts from recruitment to retirement

We will arrange them one by one step at a time.

✓ check! Learning goals!

  • Through practical training in labor law, you can perform efficient and legal HR management in the ITSW industry.
  • HR labor risk management can be carried out with a focus on the main core contents and examples.

크리에이터 소개

▶ Creator introduction

Class Kit · Coaching Session





Hello, I'm Lee Sang-hyup, a labor advisor written by a labor corporation!

  • Graduated from Sungkyunkwan University School of Law
  • Senior Labor Advisor, Seoul National University, Hanbat University, Korea Jiaotong University
  • Member of the Central Human Resources Committee of the Korean Massage Association (KRA)
  • External member of the Korea Energy Corporation (KEA) Ethics Management Committee and Human Rights Management Committee
  • Protection Committee, Youth Labor Rights Center, Ministry of Employment, Labor and Employment
  • Grievance Counselor, Ministry of Women and Families

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  • All videos and materials included in the class are protected intellectual property under relevant laws.
  • You may face legal action if you copy, distribute, transmit, modify or edit the videos or materials included in the class without permission.
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