[Short] Life Course Lesson 1: Drinking Party Manners Basic

1 chapters · 5 minutes
English · Japanese · Korean|Audio Korean

“Class is everywhere: learning is everywhere”
Learn all the world's know-how in 5 minutes

Class introduction

Life subject classes are content where you can learn various life know-how in 10 minutes that are not taught at school but that you need at least once in your life.

How many people know proper drinking party manners? Even if you try to learn drinking party manners, there's no place you should learn. However, when you start a social life, in addition to drinking parties with friends, there are many situations where you drink with your boss, such as drinking parties, face-to-face meetings, and family events. Learn basic drinking party manners in class and use them in appropriate situations.

Course effect

  • You can learn basic drinking party manners.
  • You can leave a good impression at a formal drinking party.

Recommended target

  • Those who want to learn basic drinking party manners
  • Those who want to maintain drinking party manners during meetings or important meetings





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  • All videos and materials included in the class are protected intellectual property under relevant laws.
  • You may face legal action if you copy, distribute, transmit, modify or edit the videos or materials included in the class without permission.
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