
0원으로 하고 싶은거 하고, 놀 수 있는 꿀팁

11 chapters
Korean|Audio Korean

About the class

When I was an office worker, instead of eating out with friends, going to a beauty salon, exercise, or dermatology, “How can I save money?” I only thought about it. But now, not only do I travel with money, but I also become more beautiful, healthier, get people's attention, and save more than 10 million won.

As a woman, you should be more beautiful when you're younger than you are now, but I think people are better now. Because I nurture myself for free and go out to eat delicious food, my face is more vibrant now. I got to know myself better by trying various things for free, and I enjoy every day.

I'll tell you about rising prices, difficult living expenses, and the know-how to have fun outside for free without spending money. I can go to restaurants and cafes for free, eat tteokbokki with friends, eat pork, and eat spaghetti. When I went on a trip to Busan, I experienced yachting, and saw free performances by famous singers at Christmas time.

Two years ago, when I went to work as an ordinary office worker, I was burdened by dermatologists, beauty salons, and restaurants within a fixed small salary. However, now I am traveling with only transportation expenses while receiving sponsorship from anywhere in the country through my blog and Instagram. Every day is like a trip.

추후 모자이크 하겠습니다

The words “the economy is bad” have not been affected by the news. Also, I was a person who thought Korea was complicated because it was too competitive and had too many shopping districts. But now I feel rather grateful for this. Rather, it's because it's an opportunity for consumers.

▼ A travel package worth 200,000 won

Leaving the material value of sponsorship, I changed my life 180 degrees through my blog and Instagram. This is because if I used to work for a company that “got me accepted”, now I know myself and can work where I want to go.

Course effect

  • Even if you're not a power blogger, parcels are piled up in front of your house every day
  • A life where you get toothpaste if you need toothpaste at home and body lotion if you need body lotion
  • A life where you only pay for transportation and travel around the country for free
  • A life where I can guide my money, become more beautiful, and have a second job
  • A life of queuing at a restaurant and going to a new good restaurant that others don't know first

Recommended target

  • Those who are burdened by spending on meals, beauty salons, cosmetics, and exercise expenses due to fixed monthly expenses
  • People who are too burdened by the cost of a date every weekend
  • A college student who likes to go to restaurants and take pictures
  • Newlyweds who spend too much money on leisure expenses to save money
  • Students who only stay at home on weekends because prices have gone up so much

What makes this class special

❶ I'll tell you how to use social media without losing money.

There are many comments such as that SNS is a waste of time, reduces self-esteem, and makes you feel depressed. You'll be surprised to see the net function of social media “You can get so much with 0 won.”

Even if you spend the same amount of time on social media, someone will waste time, and someone will easily share their know-how to save 10 million won. SNS is a space that you can use if you only have an electricity bill. I always remembered the essence, so I was able to create a virtuous cycle where every action was free and beneficial to all.

❷ Senpai who are just ahead

There's something I've always been disappointed about in most of the lectures. The point is that famous or already very big people give lectures. It's hard to keep up with someone who's too far in front of me. When I actually started my blog, I imitated the person right in front of me. I didn't see a tall person in the distance.

Most of them were taught for entrepreneurs, and not many people taught me just the essentials I needed at a beginner level. Even if you go to school to learn English, there are introductory classes to practical classes. People can't do it because they throw all of this into one lecture. Here are the key points so you can get sponsorship right from the difficulty level of the introductory class.

Class Kit · Coaching Session

퀄리티를 높일 수 있는

추가 구성품을 소개합니다.

1. [전자책] 7일만에 0명부터 블로그 키우는 법


자세히 알아보기

블로그를 오래 하는 사람들도 왜 블로그를 어려워할까?

왜 똑똑한 사람들이 블로그를 어려워할까?


사람들을 가르치며 알게된 것은 사람들이 자기를 표현하는 법을 모르고 '그것을 블로그에 녹여낼 줄 몰랐습니다.' 블로그를 완전 처음 단계부터 10년차까지 가르치며 사람들이 놓치는 것이 있다는 것을 알았습니다.

바로 '퍼스널 브랜딩' 입니다.

많은 사람들이 '나'를 드러내고 싶어하고 '진짜 나로써' 나의 것을 갖기를 원합니다. 사업을 해도 내가 함께 드러나길 원합니다. 어떻게 블로그에 녹여내고 사람들에게 신뢰를 얻을 수 있는지, '블로그 방식'으로 풀어내었습니다.

목차를 소개합니다.

1. 인트로

2. 소개글 (샤넬의 성과)

3. 7일 후의 변화 : 변화 할 수 밖에 없는 내 블로그

4. 블로그란 XXXX다 : 블로그란 관심과 시간을 준 만큼 성장한다.

5. 7 days

1일 차 - 가장 큰 오해. 우리가 블로그에 일기를 쓰고 있는 이유. 블로그는 XXX이다!

2일 차 - 아무나 이웃추가 하지 않는다. XXX를 공략하라 !

3일차 - 댓글은 열심히 다는데 … XX댓글의 중요성 !

4일차 - 사람들을 끌어당기는 법.. 정보를 제공하라 !

5일차 - 내가 왜 당신의 블로그를 봐야합니까? XXXXX을 해라

6일차 - 너가 먼저 나를 도와준다면 좋겠어..? 숨기지말고 퍼주어라!

7일차 - XX. 남들과 차별화 될 수 있는 끝판왕.

6. 추후 수익화 방법 / 추후 방향성 팁

상품 구성을 소개합니다.

  • 파일 정보: PDF 전자책
  • 총 페이지 수: 73p
  • 추가 설명: 전자책 구매자 혜택, 무료 피드백 (전자책 하단 참고)

🚚 다운로드 상품 관련 안내 입니다.

  • 다운로드 상품은 다운로드 이후 환불이 불가합니다.
  • 단순변심으로 환불을 원하시는 경우 다운로드를 받지 않으신 경우에만 7일 이내 가능합니다.
  • 다운로드 파일은 구매 후 마이페이지 > 주문 및 배송 탭에서 다운로드가 가능합니다.



Dreaming Chanel

Dreaming Chanel

Hello? I'm Chanel, a digital content creator.

From an ordinary office worker who didn't do social media at all, now

Meet only the people you want to meet,

Eat what you want to eat for free,

I get a job offer, someone I want to meet,

Creating your own stories and channels, etc.

I live a life where I have choices throughout my daily life.

Two years ago, I was strictly an office worker

People who “buy” the business say “business is dangerous, social media is a waste of time” without even knowing

I believed it.

But when the coronavirus started, I was abroad,

I want to travel more, but I can't make any money

I started a blog while studying how to make money online on my own.

At that time, money may not necessarily be earned through labor! After gaining the enlightenment

It was an opportunity for me to think about capitalism, happiness, and the education I received.

I want to continue my trip after coming back to Korea

I spent my time just working.

When I was so tired in my sixth month, I received a small sponsorship,

“Ah, this is it! I need to let people know about this! '

I made up my mind.

We still take it for granted that we “pay money to eat.”

However, “you can also provide a review and eat a meal.”

This is because it's a fair deal.

If you change your perspective, you'll see a different world.

I'm going to share the know-how to create a “life I can choose and make a day.”

If you are indulging in the simple pleasure of receiving it for free and think easily of others, I don't recommend applying.



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Notes on Copyright Protection

  • All videos and materials included in the class are protected intellectual property under relevant laws.
  • You may face legal action if you copy, distribute, transmit, modify or edit the videos or materials included in the class without permission.
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