
Finishing a startup's financial strategy once and for all

3 chapters · 46 minutes
Korean|Audio Korean

About the class

Hallo I'm Roy, CEO of Creative Partners, which goes beyond tax accounting services to provide one-stop management consulting services such as finance, government grants, and funding for the success of creators and startups.

While running an accounting firm and acting as a CFO for various startups, I have thought a lot about and improved the CFO's R&R and work methodology. Using my know-how, I created this class for finance team employees who are preparing to become startup financial managers (CFO).

Course effect

  • You can set 'Finance OKR' to maximize corporate value.
  • Risk factors can be blocked through effective 'Risk Management'.
  • As a financial manager, you can learn how to improve the performance of a startup.

Recommended target

  • Startup CEOs who want to learn know-how about corporate financial management and work methodologies
  • Those who want to grow into a startup financial manager (CFO) as a finance team practitioner
  • Those who want to know about corporate tax accounting services

Two reasons this class is special

❶ Disclosure of 'Finance OKR' setup know-how to maximize corporate value

The lectures will be broadly divided into Finance OKR and Risk Management. I think this is the first class dealing with 'Finance OKR' in Korea.

As such, it is difficult to find classes dealing with OKR in the field of finance or business management. I'll tell you in detail why OKR is needed in the finance/management sector and how it can be applied. I prepared the class with the intention of pioneering a new field.

❷ How to prevent risk factors through effective 'Risk Management'

Early-stage startups are exposed to risk in various places such as finance, labor, legal affairs, and taxation. If a risk occurs or persists, startups without much experience may not be able to respond effectively and may be on the brink of survival. I will explain specifically how to identify and manage these risks, so that 'Risk Management' can be applied directly to practice.

I hope that the experience and know-how of intensely thinking and improving with representatives of more than 50 startups for about 4 years will help those who want to become startup financial managers.





Hallo I'm Roy, CEO of Creative Partners.

Creative Partners has supported the success of various startups over the past 5 years through accounting and tax consulting that pursues innovation. I would like to share the various experiences and know-how I have experienced firsthand through CFO services from many companies.

I hope that through this course, those who want to become financial managers of startups will reduce trial and error and gain more insight as they grow.

[Main biographies]

  • Current CEO of Creative Partners, Korean Certified Public Accountant
  • Current accounting consulting partner of K-ICT Bonto Global Center
  • Current) Tax accounting business agreement signed with Sandbox Networks Co., Ltd.
  • Former) KMPG Samjeong Accounting Corporation and Tax Division





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Notes on Copyright Protection

  • All videos and materials included in the class are protected intellectual property under relevant laws.
  • You may face legal action if you copy, distribute, transmit, modify or edit the videos or materials included in the class without permission.
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