
Workplace harassment incident response practices

3 chapters · 55 minutes
English · Japanese · Korean|Audio Korean

Skills You’ll Learn

Respond effectively to incidents of harassment in the workplace!

We will understand everything from the causes of harassment cases in the workplace to the investigation and handling process of the incident.

Analysis of various cases of harassment in the workplace!

Learn about strategies to prevent key issues through case studies.

Let's respond wisely to the recent increase in workplace harassment cases!

Practical lecture on how to respond to harassment cases in the workplace!

  • Understanding harassment in the workplace

  • Introduction of workplace harassment cases

  • Workplace harassment prevention/response strategy tips!

  • Investigating and Handling Workplace Harassment

Let's understand everything from the cause of harassment in the workplace to the investigation of the incident and the handling process thereafter, and respond wisely!

Cases where cases of harassment in the workplace, which have been increasing recently, are filed internally first, starting from the judgment criteria;

It is designed to improve the ability to respond to various cases, such as when contacted by the Labor Agency.

✓ If you are like this, please take this course!

  • Person in charge of human resources and labor management within the company

  • Team leader and management

✓ Check! Learning goals!

  • You can find out the criteria for judging harassment in the workplace.

  • Legal risks can be identified in the event of harassment in the workplace.

  • It is possible to prevent major issues where harassment in the workplace can be a problem.

  • You can identify what to keep in mind when dealing with harassment incidents in the workplace.

  • The post-incident processing process can be handled lawfully and smoothly.

Through this course, you can effectively respond to incidents of harassment in the workplace.

Criteria for judging harassment in the workplace, establishment of a system, major issues where harassment in the workplace may be a problem, etc.

We have summarized A to Z from the cause of the incident to the investigation of the incident and the subsequent processing process.

A class composed based on the vivid field experience of a veteran labor advisor who is an expert on harassment cases in the workplace!

Complete preparation for workplace harassment incident response practices in this one class.



Hello, I'm Pyeon Min-soo, a labor manager at Hongik Labor Corporation.

  • Graduated from Sungkyunkwan University School of Law

  • Chief Labor Accountant, Hongik Labor Corporation

  • Many lectures specialized in labor law at Korea Productivity Center

  • Completed the HRM Specialist/ Social Insurance Specialist Course

  • Shortened working hours and ways to introduce and utilize flexible work systems in the post-coronavirus era (co-authored)

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  • All videos and materials included in the class are protected intellectual property under relevant laws.
  • You may face legal action if you copy, distribute, transmit, modify or edit the videos or materials included in the class without permission.
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