
Real estate finance strategies in line with the latest policies in 2024, how to use leverage to maximize return on investment

14 chapters · 14 hours 24 minutes
English · Japanese · Korean|Audio Korean

Skills You’ll Learn

Predicting future investment demand based on data

If you predict the future and move one step ahead, you can be successful in investing

How to choose a good apartment and make a comparative analysis

You can avoid the mistake of investing in a bad location

How to distinguish between reverse tax apartments with high investment value

I will tell you the real best region with the highest investment demand among the reverse tax regions

How to find real estate that will connect you to a good property

How to find properties with lots of sales and get introduced to quick sales that are cheaper than the market price

How to make money in the process of trading apartments

You can save money by negotiating good terms with the landlord before selling

How to buy a cheap house cheaper

You don't like the 1st floor, 2nd floor, and top floor? Reverse thinking creates opportunities

Real estate agencies' inner feelings

You can learn how to deal with real estate agencies through actual interviews

How to bargain for a house

Various price bargaining know-how that can be useful in the field

The fastest way to sell your home

A definite exit strategy! Know-how to make the most return on investment by selling a house well

Have you ever thought about this?

“When on earth will I be able to live in my own house without worrying about moving?” 😞

“If I don't have a home, I'm being ignored, when will I become a butler?” 🏚️

“I don't have a home, but what about marriage and kids... I can't immigrate... I've already given up” 😢

Do you sympathize? However, the price of a house in Seoul is 1 billion. Even if you go out to the metropolitan area, you need 500 to 700 million to buy a house in a decent area. That's why many people give up buying a house. Maybe you're thinking that too?

Many people will think about investing in stocks, funds, or coins when they have free money or when they have some money. Most of them will end up “buying my own house” as their goal. It's difficult to buy a house even if I work for a lifetime with a salary alone, so I have no choice but to think about ways to raise money through other investments.

I also thought that buying a house required a lot of money, so I lived for a long time thinking that arranging my own home was something I could think about in the far future, and after getting married, I moved from place to place and rent 9 times over the 10 years. I never thought I'd be able to plan my own home, so my goal was always to work hard to save and move to a pre/rent house with an expensive deposit. I saved and saved so much that I never went on a trip for 7 years to save even a penny.

(Every time I moved, I also took pictures with children and robot concepts)

However, when I looked back 10 years later, the price of the house had risen so much that the money I saved and saved had no meaning. My rental deposit was well kept as if it were buried in the ground, but I learned that the people who bought the house and owned it made a lot of money.

Also, I felt very betrayed when I learned that my best friend made a lot of money by buying a house without saying anything to me. I belatedly asked and asked my friend how they bought a house and how they made money, but they didn't give me a good answer.

As I got older, I began to feel humble when I saw how friends with similar circumstances in the past were living better than me one by one. When I was young, I blamed myself a lot for being really stupid because I wasn't interested in making money by following only my favorite music.

When I was in my 20s working in a rock band

As a result of this work, I also came here and began studying real estate on my own. “I only want to buy my own house” is one goal I found and read dozens of real estate investment books, and listened to all the lectures called lectures. I also heard a real estate investment course that costs 1.2 million won an hour, thinking that it would be worth it if I could get good information when buying a house, but it was an unintelligible course with no actual helpful content.

Eventually, based on the knowledge I had studied, I realized that I had no choice but to experience and learn firsthand, so I spent a day away from the region, the metropolitan area, and the core of Seoul to accumulate my own data values. As we continued to repeat investment activities, we began to see regions where future value would improve and prices would rise, and we even developed the ability to calculate and judge the investment amount required for each region and reverse tax area and the estimated profit after the sale on our own.

This study, which began with one goal of “arranging my own home,” is now a real estate expert who has accumulated a lot of experience and know-how by processing over 100 real estate contracts, and has written two real estate booksI made it with After getting married, I moved 9 times and never dreamed of buying a house, so I became a real estate instructor teaching real estate investment.

오프라인 강의 이미지강의 후 뒷풀이

I started because I wanted to share the know-how and good information I learned by running on my own feet with many people <> The YouTube channel is currently one of the leading real estate information channels with 118,000 subscribers and a cumulative total of 45 million viewsIt's done.

As of 2024, I'm living this kind of life.

I enjoy the true freedom of not having to do what anyone tells me to do because the value of my assets increases even if I'm still breathing. Where are you writing this article right now? I'm writing while looking at the ocean from the living room veranda of a newly built resort resort in Jeju Island. I'm so happy at this moment when I'm writing while listening to the sound of the waves. This is because I am living a free life without being restrained by anyone.

Now I can eat out or travel whenever I want with my parents and a large family of children without having to worry about school fees or family vacation expenses for my kids.

A life where I live by doing only what my heart really wants,

It's a dream come true.

I am grateful for all the circumstances that led me to become an investor.

I created this class with the hope that you, like me, will not worry about money.

The goal of my course is to teach you every bit of my investment know-how so that no trial or error occurs during the investment process.

But why are you disclosing all the investment secrets you've learned so hard at a low price?

It's just my natural personality. This is because I have an unusual personality where I feel great joy when I see others do well because they teach me the methods I've learned. I lost a lot in the short term in my life because of that, but over time, I eventually came back to being blessed. “He who enriches others becomes rich.” I am living with a firm belief in that statement.

I think if you follow what you've learned in my lectures, you'll definitely become rich and live the life you want. To do that, stubbornness and communication with me are essential! So let's start now, shall we?

💰 Real estate investment know-how that will never lose money 💰

There was a lot of trial and error while investing, but now that I have processed more than 100 real estate-related contracts, I don't invest at risk in the first place. The reason why I have profit rights for all of the items I'm currently investing in is probably because I have the ability to choose the right real estate to make money, right? If you do your best, it's possible!!

😋 Earth to Earth Class that feeds you from one to ten 🥄

  • Real estate investment know-how from beginner to intermediate to advanced to field skills is packed into one class

  • Of the good news in real estate, what is the good news that demand for purchases is rapidly increasing

  • How to find a place that will become such a place and preempt it

  • How to get featured in the first place for quick sales

  • What is the fastest way to sell at the highest price

  • What kind of settings are advantageous to sell

  • We will teach you all the field skills to actually maximize profits

시세 트레킹Location selection, apartment comparison analysis, and how to compare and analyze market prices in problematic regions

🎯 This is what happens when you listen to a lecture on every earth 🎯

  • You will be able to select “Only real estate that makes money” 👀

  • You will be able to find investment areas and properties that suit your budget

  • Because time is money, my time is precious! You can obtain all the information you need in one visit and be extremely efficient

  • You will be able to analyze the location yourself and find the apartment you want to buy 🔍

  • Learn how to respond to ever-changing government policies

  • By understanding the effects of policy announcements, I can predict investment demand movements in advance and determine my investment direction

  • By cutting the price of the house well, you will be able to sell a good sale at a low price

  • You will be able to sell your house quickly and well

It's so much fun I can't stop

What an earthly lecture that takes stubbornness after being stubborn 🤣🤓

The strength of my courses is difficult real estate lectures “Easy and fun so that anyone can understand even without basic knowledge” It means I'll teach you how to solve it. Studying shouldn't be boring. Studying as if memorizing complicated policies and terms is so boring that I lose my strong motivation to “make money” at first.

I started off without knowing anything, so I'll use my own experience to explain it as easily as possible. After listening to one course, you'll be curious about the next one, so you'll end up taking the course until the end. Through my witty conversation, easy explanation, and active communication during the course, I will definitely help you achieve your goal of “making a profit from real estate investment”!


👩🏻‍🏫 Practical tips from a real estate agency 👩🏻‍🏫

It's really important to find a good real estate agency that connects me to good listings and makes money. In my lecture Making a real estate agency on my side There is also an interview time with an agency where you can learn about the law.

Real estate agency interview video (lecture screen capture)

As an interviewer, I ask the real estate agency questions that students may have. I'm really looking forward to this interview chapter. Here are all the tips you can use in practice. The interview was conducted in such a way that the real estate agency poured out all its inner feelings, so you could think that just one chapter of the interview would cost several times the tuition fee. I think this is the course that will get the most comments. If you have any additional questions, such as the atmosphere of the scene, I will answer them in a big comment.

Appeared on 350,000 YouTube channel Laem Kun TV

Maeil Keizai YouTube channel Maeburi TV appearanceAppeared on the Maeil Keizai YouTube channel Giant TV

Live broadcast with a real estate agency

🏡 Until you buy a house! I'll be with you 🏡

Even those who have never invested in real estate will develop confidence in the investment class, and the idea that they want to go to the house right away will rise. Be careful, though, because if you act too hastily, you can make mistakes. Continued communication with me is essential even after taking the course. We also highly recommend attending offline classes for future students.

CLASS101 Terrible Land Real Estate Lecture! Let's communicate in the course video comments! 😉🔥





  • Real estate consultant/lecturer/writer/YouTuber

  • 110,000 subscribers <Dutandamutan<> YouTuber specializing in real estate

  • Books <Land Investment Secrets>, <Buy a house? > author

  • Appeared on Maeil Keizai Real Estate Economy “Maeburi TV”

  • Appeared on Maeil Keizai Stock Channel “Giant TV”

  • Online/offline real estate investment instructor

  • Online shopping mall operating for 14 years

🗺️ Hello, I'm Yunman, a 110,000 YouTuber and author of 2 real estate books.

My father is a first-time real estate agency student (1985).


My father, who opened a brokerage office right after getting his first certification as a real estate agency (1985), opened a brokerage office in Yeongdeungpo, Seoul at the same time as passing the exam, and I was 7 years old at the time. People who have been watching and growing up every day since they were young are people who trade real estate. I've seen countless buyers, sellers, people making trouble while bargaining prices, exchanging and receiving large checks, and people whose wealth is greatly boosted by short-term trading. Naturally, I grew up thinking, “If you want to be rich, you have to buy and sell real estate.”

Many years have passed, and my father has become an old man, and now I work in real estate. Investors, YouTubers, writers, and real estate instructors live in a hectic place. The environment and people have changed, but I still think the same way I did when I was a kid. “To become rich, you have to buy and sell real estate.” That idea hasn't changed even now.

Even if you look around, there are almost no steady profits from stocks or coins, but many people who invest in real estate sell for medium- to long-term profits. Even if you just look at the fact that not many people in the neighborhood bought real estate and sold it at a loss, right?

But that doesn't mean investing in real estate is easy.

It is true that house prices will rise over the long term due to falling currency values. However, there are cases where people are struggling to see the price of the house drop because they bought it at a high point where they should not buy, and I also saw many people who had trouble finding tenants after being able to buy and sell in a hurry due to lack of prior information even though the location was poor. I made a similar mistake, so I understand that feeling very well, and there are houses that I still regret buying and selling.

Every time that happened, I couldn't think, “If someone had taught me to study real estate before investing, I wish they had taught me some practical know-how.” When that sense of regret reached its peak, I thought, “I want to help others not make the same mistakes,” and I started sharing my investment know-how on YouTube, books, and lectures.

📌 And now through Class 101

I want to share all my real estate knowledge and experience.

✔️ When, where, and how much should I buy

✔️ How to find quick sales and how to arrange prices as much as possible

✔️ How to manage a house efficiently during the ownership period

✔️ Even how to make a profit by selling at a good price

I'll tell you everything.

I did my best to create the course with a sense of mission that all the students I learned should become rich with real estate.

We'll help you achieve your dreams until the end.

What earth is earth 🗺️





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  • All videos and materials included in the class are protected intellectual property under relevant laws.
  • You may face legal action if you copy, distribute, transmit, modify or edit the videos or materials included in the class without permission.
Disclaimer regarding Investment-Related Information
  • All investment-related information and materials the class conveys are strictly for informational purposes only. The company does not vouch for the accuracy or integrity of the information or materials provided by the class. Nor does it conduct such services as investment advisory and discretionary investment businesses that are prohibited by related laws and regulations.
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