Data Analyst Class by Data Richard, Data Extraction & Visualization

9 chapters · 4 hours 10 minutes
English · Japanese · Korean|Audio Korean

Check out what classmates have to say!

Skills You’ll Learn

SQL, from basics to advanced!

I will explain SQL to extract data from a database in an easy-to-understand manner.

Power BI, data visualization without coding!

We'll teach you how to analyze data through data visualization without coding.

Dashboard, decision indicators at a glance!

Here's how to create a dashboard that decision makers can understand at a glance.

Wait, please read this before taking the class!

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▶ Class student reviews

Reborn as a data analyst at Nekarakubatodang!

For those who want to become data analysts,
Data Richard classWelcome to!

real This is a practical data analysis class taught by a data analyst.

Data analysis isn't just coding!

Which customers buy what products & services, when and why?
who, when, what, where, and why?

Everything a customer touches, feels, hears, and tastes is data.

And that data determines how much of the product can be sold.

Business intelligence (BI), the core of data analysis we will learn

How does a company make money As data Shall we earn?

Tell me A data analyst's core competencyIt's.

☑️ Why you need to learn real data analysis

2022, Data Lecture 90%

Python or Studying with R AI/ Deep Learning/ Machine Learning I will teach.

For most people, data analysis is coding or programming! I think that's it.

However, the reality is different.

  • Revenue & profitWhen and how this will increase,
  • What should I do Whether it can satisfy customers,
  • Which method can I use to sell the most products,

Exploring analyticsThis is the data analysis that real companies want.

In the Data Richard class
How to do real data analysis
I'll let you know if I can do it.

☑️ Learn SQL from basics to advanced

Are you still looking at data through Excel (Excel)?

The modern data society deals with huge amounts of (Big) data.

Therefore, Excel is not enough to load data.

Current companies excelsInstead of using, SQLI'm using

SQLis a language for storing big data,

  1. According to the desired conditions
  2. speedily
  3. A large amount

data You can import it.

# This is the only SQL lesson you must learn

Once you understand SQL, you can understand data.

What are the most commonly used SQL statements in practice,

how phrases are used in data analysis,

We'll let you know in the Data Richard class.

  • Perfect organization with a presentation!
  • 7 core SQL queries with real-world examples
  • 7 SQL functions with practical examples
  • SQL starts with a join and ends with a join
  • Other than that, Except, Union, Union all

SELECT syntax

SELECT syntax #2

COUNT function

WHERE syntax

# Nekarakubae in the US solves a SQL coding test

Facebook - Get monthly friend acceptance counts

Apple - Get the number of simultaneous device users

Uber - Get the number of exclusive users of the premium service

Facebook issues

Apple issues

Uber issues

쉽게 가르친다고쉬운 내용만 배우지 않슷ㅂ니다. 아마존 개발자와 푸는 빅테크 기업 SQL 문제

▶ I don't just learn easy content because it's easy to teach. Big Tech Enterprise SQL Problems Solved with Amazon Developers

☑️ No problem even if you don't know how to code!

With SQL After importing data, you need visualizations that are easy for everyone to understand.

In the early days, Python and R were used to create visualizations.

Instead of creating visualizations with complex coding,

Let's create a data visualization that can be easily created by dragging and clicking.

# All visualizations at once with Power BI

Power BI is a dashboard program that visually and meaningfully represents data without coding, and can visualize data according to desired conditions.

A dashboard where you can find various information at a glance

You can create it with just a few clicks.

☑️ Gain experience in data analysis

Not only Nekarakubae,

US big tech companies like FAANG

After learning how to analyze with data,

Add the completed project to your resume and portfolio

Become a data analyst that companies are looking for too!

AdventureWorks 컴퍼니란?

▶ What is AdventureWorks Company?

판매 스키마

▶ Sales schema

☑️ Amazon Data Engineer, Data Richard

Hallo Data creator Data RichardIt's.

Bon KaeIs Seattle Amazons At headquarters data engineer,

BukaIs Data creatorIt is active as.

With the goal of “data science that is easy for beginners to learn,”

For everyone who wants to become a data analyst

I recommend this class.

☑️ The reason Moon and native people fell in love with data science

I didn't even graduate school, and I'm not from a boot camp or developer camp.

But I'm the company that uses data the most and changes the world,

Amazonsin A data engineer It became.

How could I join Amazon even if I'm not from the Ivy League?

immediately A big-picture perspective on dataThis is because I raised.

If you only have a steady interest and passion for data

You can become the data talent that companies want.

  • Where can I find the data?
  • What kind of data can I use?
  • How can we make data meaningful?

Through these questions,

Let me tell you how interesting and rewarding the field of data science really is.

Analyze the present through past experiences
You can develop the ability to predict the future.

Class Kit · Coaching Session

30-minute 1:1 coaching taught directly by Data Richard

🔼 Click on the address above to apply for coaching related to classes and careers!

  • First. You can use it if you have any questions about how to get a job in the data field, career paths, or employment.
  • Second. You can use the course content if you want to learn more or if you need know-how and practice in studying data analysis/engineering.
  • Third. You can use it if you are curious about how to write a resume (resume) and interview know-how (interview), which is the secret to getting a job at a foreign company.





As a first step towards becoming a data analyst, Data Richard will join you.

I want to make the world better with data Data RichardIt's.

After studying data science locally in the US,

For many people as data creators

What is data analysis used in business,

I'm telling you how to become a good data analyst.

Interview with YouTuber Jocoding

Interview with YouTuber Coding Monster

For those who want to know more about easy-to-learn data,

You can check it out in our portfolio & Instagram below.

To make it easier for you to learn data science

We'll join you next to it!

데이터 리차드

데이터 리차드



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  • All videos and materials included in the class are protected intellectual property under relevant laws.
  • You may face legal action if you copy, distribute, transmit, modify or edit the videos or materials included in the class without permission.
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