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클래스 스토리2539개의 글

크리에이터가 고정함
Everyone:) Look at the concept analysis by various classmates and check out the concepts and songs! There are also design analyses, and there are also analyses based on concepts and artist images. Please explain why it's better to express dark concepts rather than dark outfits or moods. Please explain the detailed and more understandable reasons. Also, please organize the reason and think that you are giving a presentation and design the page clearly. You can also distribute the pages to a few pages. Making others understand my point of view clearly analyzed is also a very important part of the exercise. :)
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크리에이터가 고정함
This is a warm-up session:) Please refer to the project selection and design development section after analyzing and giving feedback.
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크리에이터가 고정함
The mission of this chapter is to analyze my favorite singer. I will check the contents of the strategic analysis based on branding and the function of the strategic analysis document and reply to any comments that need to be considered. :)
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크리에이터가 고정함
This is the first part of the project, and it's the beginning of the planning document, so please explain it so that anyone can see it. This can be the visual planning portfolio of the planner. So that people who don't know my artist in the future can easily see what identity this artist has and what direction he's going to take! In the comparative analysis table, the difference in common is through analysis with competitors. This is the part where you calculate the strengths and weaknesses of your artist. You should refer to this. It's not an artist's situation. Focus on visual and concept analysis! The reason why I write the positioning map is because I know my group's unique image/visual speciality in similar groups. is trying to figure out and apply the content in order to gain a more competitive edge over the competition. To check this out, please check out your own artists in the positioning map and work so that you can see where they are. ** I will add the modified contents to the pdf when uploading the mission in the next chapter and gradually add the page later to create a strategy document!
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