
10 million won a month beauty blogger! Practical guide to matching virtues that become money


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9 chapters · 5 hours 5 minutes
English · Japanese · Korean|Audio Korean

Skills You’ll Learn

Blogging makes you earn more than your company's salary

We'll tell you everything about growing a profitable beauty blog that makes real money.

Tips to increase the number of visitors

I'll tell you all the know-how I've gained from going through prenatal battles and trial and error.

Increase profits! A photography technique that will let you do

To be able to commercialize a photo, I'll unravel a collection of know-how that is easy but can't be ignored

A retouching method specific to beauty blogs

I will teach you how to use Photoshop for lip correction, skin correction, etc.


I'm Bunny, a beauty blogger:)

It's been 2 years since I left the company after breaking through employment difficulties. I'm always Freedom of money and timeI believed it was important.

Twenty-five, I left the company courageously after 6 months because I thought “I don't want to spend my once-in-a-lifetime with the company.” And right now, I'm living happily, earning more than twice as much as an office worker.

Start with a casual hobby

Leaving the company with an annual salary of 100 million

In this class, we don't just reduce expenses through sponsorship, but more Monetize a beauty blog that can create a 'real cash flow'I'll tell you A to Z about.

✔ Do you just sigh for a small salary?

✔ Are you looking for a high-paying side job that even a housewife can start?

✔ Do you only pay 300,000 won for cosmetics per month?

I have a blog, but is it profitable?

Have a big dream, you can also achieve 10 million won per month:)

Free digital nomads too

A job that even a power owner would love

“Ah, I want to leave the company.”

This is what office workers say the most.

Leaving the company isn't necessarily the only answer, Various Sponsorshipset A bumpy bankbook balanceIf you have one, even going to work might be a lot more fun!

Whether you're a digital nomad who likes to wander all over the place, or a power jip who likes to work alone while zip-cock, you'll definitely love your life as a beauty blogger:)

(Actually, I also earned 1 million won by working by the pool in Bali!)

Bernie's blog lecturer

A special reason!

1 ️ Class 101 A unique beauty blog lecture

It's hard to find beauty blog courses not only in Class 101 but also on other platforms. In particular, the secrets of high-profit beauty bloggers aren't easily revealed. We'll tell you everything in this lesson. 😉

2 ️ A lecture concentrating on “monetization” know-how collected over 7 years

After all, blogs that aren't properly monetized don't just cover the dressing table with sponsored products. Are you still recording beauty salon prices and product prices and counting them as income?

As a senior who has experienced accurate monetization points, I'll wake you up to your sleeping blog.

3 ️ Earnings have been on an upward curve for the 5th year!

Does it really make money? After all, aren't you an unstable freelancer?

Since beauty blogging became my main business, I have carefully recorded my income,

We achieved 10 million won per month on the blog alone, even during a difficult time due to the coronavirus. We will fill your wallet with the know-how we have learned through numerous prenatal battles.

Even if it's unstable, how about something? You can leave the company as it is and take it as a strong side job. At any rate, the moment your blog income exceeds twice the company's income, you'll be thinking about leaving the company. (My goal is to make it that way 😉)

A beauty blog that starts with minimal capital and effort

Asking people who start off as a side job to buy a 2 million won camera is bound to be burdensome. Therefore, in this class, we will introduce various shooting equipment and application tools, divided from the beginner level to the professional level.

It doesn't seem like a big deal, but it takes quite a bit of trial and error to start alone, so I'll give you all the big and small tips carefully!

The number of visitors doubled in just one week!

Tips to keep you awake

(Naver blog statistics extraction result)

There are times when everyone falls into mannerism. As a beauty blogger, the number of visitors and income is not proportional, so I also left the number of visitors unattended for several months, saying, “It's the same thing to earn anyway.”

However, when I saw that the number of visitors dropped by less than half compared to the previous one, I felt like I should start pumping in earnest. So I got to work in an honest yet clever way (?) I did, As a result, we got over 10,000 visitors (million rubles) again in just one week:)

It was the result of an understanding of Naver Logic and seven years of know-how.

Are you curious about how they doubled the number of visitors in a short period of time?

I'll tell you everything generously, so please feel free to follow me ()

Double your income

High quality images!

All about blog photography

Even if they run the same beauty blog, those with excellent image quality at the level of a brand detail page can receive double or quadruple the secondary usage fee.

After all, self-promotion is important for beauty bloggers too! The image quality representing the dignity of my blog will increase my ransom by nx:)

Here are some shooting techniques and tips that will make even a bear with a golden hand from a beginner's point of view! Even though I'm still just an amateur, as a single person who is serious about taking blog photos, I'm going to pick up a way to shoot high-quality images with minimal effort.

Naver influencer challenges Viewstar!

“We'll turn you into a Naver influencer and viewstar in no time!” If I were to say, I would be an impostor. To be honest, I don't have that kind of authority or ability.

But I'll put together some clear criteria and tell you the truth of the many rumors. I hope it will be an opportunity for us to grow to the next level as Naver influencers and then as ViewStars:)

If you use the coaching ticket, I will help you through advice and diagnosis on your blog, so if you are overwhelmed, let's try it step by step with me!

If you're dreaming of becoming a beauty blogger, this class will definitely be a choice you won't regret!

Class Kit · Coaching Session

📩 [Bernietells me directly 1:1 coaching (1 time)]

Coaching rights, use them like this!

✅ It's been a while since I started blogging, but I haven't been able to monetize

✅ Why do you keep falling for viewstars and influencers?

✅ I think my blog is poor quality. How do I fix it?

💡 Suggest improvement points through blog diagnosis

When you take a class, the blockage will be different for each person. In this case, please make active use of coaching rights. At the same time as diagnosing the student's blog, we will propose a specific direction for development.

▪ Each question will be answered in 500 to 1000 characters.

▪ We will reply in bulk every Monday and Friday.

▪ Coaching tickets can be used until the end of the course and are not refundable if not used during the period

Since my time is limited, 1:1 coaching is offered for a one-time fee. However, all of those who have purchased coaching tickets will not stop on a one-time basis, but will continue to coach through constant blog comments and Class 101 community communication, so please feel free to use it:)

📩 The kit is subject to some changes, and we will be fully informed if there are any changes.



bunny's beauty factory

bunny's beauty factory

Hello:) I'm Bunny, an 8th year beauty blogger working as a Naver Viewstar and influencer. If one beauty blog could get lots of sponsorships and three times the income of an office worker... You don't have any virtues to ask for, right? For free souls who want to work as a digital nomad anytime, anywhere, I'll show you how to do that in a cool way.

In this class, I would like to share step-by-step strategies and realistic practical tips that I have built up for 8 years, starting with a zero base. I believe it will be a cool lecture not only for those who are starting a beauty blog for the first time, but also for those who are experiencing a period of stagnation due to lack of sufficient monetization. Please don't just end with a class, but be my precious' neighbor 'who continues to communicate and grow together ♥



버니's 뷰티팩토리

버니's 뷰티팩토리

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