10 chapters · 6 hours 4 minutes
English · Japanese · Korean|Audio Korean

Flower tea and tea
11 Class Projects

It takes about 15 minutes hour(s) to complete each project.

  • Making Pansy Flower Tea

  • Refreshments made from edible flowers

  • Tea party for one person prepared with marigold flower tea

  • Tea party for two prepared with ginger flower tea

  • Invitation tea party for guests prepared with Cheon Il-hong flower tea

  • Outdoor tea party prepared with a flower tea

  • Flower juice and rose flower aid made from dried roses

  • Making flower candy with edible flowers

  • Tea room flower arrangement using a side table

  • Tea ceremony flower arrangement using chimbong

  • Tea room flower arrangement using small glass bottles

Skills You’ll Learn

Practice making pansy flower tea

I bought pansies and tried making flower tea using the process of soaking and cooling.

Tasting different types of flower tea

Taste and appreciate a variety of flower teas with different flavors, colors, and aromas.

How to use edible flowers

Learn how to use edible flowers such as flower candy, flower ice cream, and drink toppings.

Pairing flower tea with refreshments

Here are some refreshments that go well with the taste and atmosphere of flower tea.

How to blend flower tea

Here are some root teas, fruit teas, and herbal teas that are blended together depending on the type of flower tea.

How to set up a coffee table for each situation

We offer styling for different situations, including invitations for 1, 2 people, and guests, and an outdoor tea ceremony.

Get to know the flowers used in flower tea

They share interesting stories about flowers and plants that are close but not familiar.

Learn how to decorate teahouses

You will learn flower decorations that can be applied in everyday life with acupuncture points, canisters, and glass bottles.

A time to enjoy nature while drinking flower tea and staying close to us

Hello, welcome to GREEN SALON The lifestyle brand Green Salon focuses on “flower tea,” and shares different ways to enjoy nature by talking about flowers, plants, and seasons that exist around us in various forms.

This class was prepared as a time to meet a slightly unfamiliar flower tea up close and talk about flowers that are used as ingredients for flower tea. Experience the world of flowers and flower teas that have always been by our side but didn't know, as you solve your questions about flower tea, learn how to make flower tea, drink handmade flower tea, and enjoy the tea room flower decoration variations.

What is a sip of warm flower tea
It's a fragrant beginning that awakens a sense of sensitivity to nature.

If you know where the flower of flower tea comes from, the flavor of flower tea will become even richer. Botanist and florist Bong Bong tells a variety of stories about flowers used as ingredients for flower tea.

Flower tea life that makes everyday life fragrant

If you know chamomile, which is known as an herbal tea, jasmine tea that comes with Chinese food, and chrysanthemum tea, which is always a pack at home, it's all flower tea. Before we knew it, we had already said flower tea and snow greetings. I'll learn about the existence of flower tea, which felt like an unknown world, and show you about the flower tea life that makes everyday life richer.

Preparing for a tea time to enjoy alone and together

With flower tea, the stories you can share together will be even richer. You can also enjoy time just for yourself, and enjoy the feeling of being close to nature as a group. We'll show you how to make the time more beautiful, such as how to set an invitation table and how to set an outdoor table so that the time is more beautiful.

Enjoy time with flowers throughout the four seasons

I like warm tea, where you can feel the rich aroma of tea, but on a hot summer day, how about a cool flower bouquet aid? I'll show you how to soak flowers using roses that decorate summer in a variety of ways. A flower tea with ice for a cool summer day, Aid will fill your everyday life with natural vitality.





Hallo Green Salon is a lifestyle brand with a focus on flower tea. The flower tea master Jojo, who cultivates the garden, and the florist Bong Bong, who studies plants, run a flower tea class and suggest a daily life with flowers and flower tea.

Both of us, a fashion editor and a living editor, were seniors and juniors in the same industry, and we only knew each other's names. When Bong Bong quit her job and went to London to learn about flowers, she first met Jojo, who had settled and lived there after her marriage. No matter how much they drank while sitting in the park and drinking milk tea. At that time, I didn't even know that flower tea existed in the world.

It was a little different when we met again in Korea. Bong Bong was obsessed with studying plants, and Jojo, who had a yard, began to learn about flower tea while cultivating a garden. When the two of us met, flower tea was placed instead of milk tea, and teacups were placed instead of paper cups. Time passed more slowly, became more pleasant, and conversations grew richer. The beginning of GREEN SALON began with a small sense of joy found in everyday life.

<In Flower Tea Life with Green Salon>, we will talk about flowers and plants that we have forgotten, and the seasons we have stayed by our side through flower tea. I hope that flower tea will be a fragrant and kind guide in creating a relaxing time after a busy and tiring day, a time to share a heart with a loved one, and a warm time to meet welcoming faces.





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