
“Harmonize” you! I'm dealing with harmony with Florist Belliatte.

10 chapters · 2 hours 21 minutes
English · Japanese · Korean|Audio Korean

Class introduction video>>

▶ ︎ I will introduce you to the “Harmonize” You Class


I'm kind

I am looking forward to welcoming you.

Hello? This is Belliate.

Belliáte is a compound word of Belliátus (kind) + Te (you), and it's a name I coined because I'm kind and I'm waiting for you. Touching flowers always makes me excited.

It deals with harmony that does not wither and is always there.

In this class, we'll be dealing with harmony together!

Benefits of harmonySilver

1. Unlike fresh flowers, they can be permanently preserved

2. The fact that you can try again even if you get it wrong many times

3. The point is that even beginners can learn easily.

They all have similar methods of handling flowers, so after practicing in harmony, you can try to catch flowers in the same way!

I'll show you the details so that you can make your own bridal shower, birthday gifts, and flower gifts for yourself even after the class:)

I'll make you the happiest time of the day.

Class Kit · Coaching Session
  • This is a class where only course tickets can be purchased.
  • Chapter 8 <We Continue the Flower Path > will also give you some tips on buying what you need, so don't worry too much!
  • So, let's prepare the following items ourselves.

1. The harmony you need every time

2. preserved

3. Morse

4. Flower scissors

These are flower scissors used to handle flowers. These are the same scissors you use for fresh flowers.

You can cut branches a little more safely.

5. Listle (20cm)

This is the list used to create a lease. There are many types of frames, but I'm going to use the most classic size for this class.

6. Ribbon (25mm)

We use the most commonly used 25mm ribbon.

7. binding wire

8. Various vases

It would be great if you prepared a jar vase, a round vase, or a centerpiece vase.

9. Other auxiliary materials

Please also prepare a herbarium container, herbarium solution, wrapping paper, a frame for the garland, and a miniature.





It is a “Belliate” that is designed with emotion and touches cute flowers. Communicate on Instagram We operate a store in Daejeon.

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Notes on Copyright Protection

  • All videos and materials included in the class are protected intellectual property under relevant laws.
  • You may face legal action if you copy, distribute, transmit, modify or edit the videos or materials included in the class without permission.
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