
I'll make a bento with Cafe Jo Malsun, a variety of flavors in one can

9 chapters · 4 hours 47 minutes
English · Japanese · Korean|Audio Korean

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Making a variety of bento boxes with nearby ingredients
8 Class Projects

It takes about 1 to 2 hours hour(s) to complete each project.

  • Salmon Ochazuke

  • Grilled vegetable bowl

  • Grain salad

  • Ricotta cheese salad

  • Pork rollard and green salad

  • potato soup

  • Lemon juice

  • Watermelon lemon juice

Skills You’ll Learn

How to make simmered kelp

Let's make broth for simmered kelp and learn how to stew kelp deliciously.

How to season and grill salmon

Let's grill the salmon with the seasoning without the fishy smell.

How to grill various vegetables

Grilling methods vary depending on the vegetables, so you'll learn how to grill and cook deliciously.

How to make soy sauce soup for bibimbap

I'm going to make bibim-soy sauce for a storable grilled vegetable bowl.

How to make tofu garland balls

In addition to garland chrysanthemum, let's use it as a vegetable other than garland chrysanthemum and make a neat tofu ball.

How to pickle vegetables

Learn about mustard pickles and vinegared pickles, which are versatile side dishes.

How to make a salad with grains

Learn how to make a refrigerator-storable grain salad.

How to make pork rolls

Learn how to make pork grooming, seasoning, and rolls and grill them deliciously.

How to make ricotta cheese

Let's make ricotta cheese, adjust it to the desired viscosity, and store it.

How to make potato soup

Learn how to prepare and store soup, how to cook soup, and how to use it in various dishes.

How to make lemon juice

Let's make lemon juice, apply it to various drinks, and use it as a dessert such as pickled tomatoes.

How to pickle tomatoes

Learn how to mix drinks and pickle tomatoes.

Hello, I'm Kim Jina, who runs Cafe Jo Malsun.

The name of the cafe, “Jo Mal-sun,” is my mom's name. Located in Busan This cafe started with mom's ginger juice, burdock tea, and rice ball recipes. It is a place that operates by adding my own subjectivity and recipes to my mom's ingredients and recipes.

Different foods are prepared every week at Cafe Jo Malsun. I took into account seasonal ingredients, weather, etc. Also, although it's a comfort food, I'm trying to include tips unique to my house, even if it's a very small one. It may be popular or popular at the time, but it seems like it boils quickly and cools quickly.

In fact, preparing and selling a different menu each week is an adventure in many waysAlso, I can't afford it in terms of time or anything else. However, I've been preparing and preparing food more actively since I realized that it would be best for me than anyone else if I built it up.

Actually, even if you prepare like that, it's useless if no one comes to visit you, I think I will continue to study and work harder because there are people who come to eat with confidence even after trying various things

I think it would be most satisfying and pleasant if all of you listened to my class, cooked your own meals, and ate a delicious meal. However, if you cook every day, it's hard to spend too much time on one thing, so I think that part can always be a problem for those who like to cook homemade hammocks. whereupon I would also like to help you use it as an incidental food with auxiliary ingredients and tips made during the cooking process.

I'm going to make a bento with flavors that fit in one can.

At first, I prepared it as an occasional event, Currently, the store prepares and sells bento boxes every Sunday. Since it's a bowl, I try to arrange the sweet, salty, spicy, and sour flavors that you feel while eating. I'm trying to fill it with carbohydrates, fat, and protein from a nutritional point of view. As a result, even though it was a bento, it was a plate that was fuller than I thought.

The title bento is also an element that makes eating food fun. Now that it's the season for more outdoor activities, I thought it would be nice to organize classes with bento boxes. I think it would be nice to make a delicious bento together in this class and go out on an outing. Because what you eat outside is even more special.

It doesn't have to be a bento. Serve it on a nice plate. It's going to be a great one-plate meal.

I'll also send you a recipe note (PDF file)

Even after the course is over, we'll provide additional recipe notes so you can continue your cooking journey!

I don't want the beginning of cooking to be heavy with ingredients that are not far from everyday life.
And if that's the beginning,
I'll help you cook deliciously and frequently.

Class Kit · Coaching Session


1. balsamic vinegar : Ingredients for making balsamic glaze to be used as a dressing for ricotta cheese salad (As of December 15, 2020, it was changed to the product pictured!)

2. wasabi : Used as a side dish for salmon ochazuke

3. mustard powder : Ingredients for making pickled cucumber with mustard

4. Furigake : Used to make salmon ochazuke

5. Organic roasted green tea : It is used as an error in ochazuke, and is a green tea made by roasting tea leaves and has a savory flavor

🎁 I'll give you a depori that can be used once for broth as a gift! 🎁

📩 The package is subject to some changes, and we will be fully informed if there are any changes.

📩 In the case of food, we will send it to you as the most recently manufactured product, but please be sure to read the individual expiration date and storage method after receiving it, and use it appropriately.

Class Curriculum1

Let's make a lunch box with a variety of flavors in one barrel, Café Jomalsun

Class details

Course started on August 9, 2019
Beginner Difficulty · Video 23 · Attached file 7
총 4 hours 47 minutes
Korean voice
Korean · English · Japanese Subtitles




Hallo I'm Kim Jina, and I run a cafe that uses various fruits and vegetables to make drinks, meals, and occasionally bento boxes.

I naturally became fond of cooking from an early age due to the influence of my mom, who likes to make using various food ingredients. I was originally a designer, but after I came down to Busan, my hometown of nursing tea for a while, I started this job by going to the market to make a label with a bottle of ginger juice or tea made by my mom. Thankfully, the response was so good that I set up a cafe, and since I liked rice rather than bread, I started a cafe where I cooked rice balls with my mom's recipe and a salad with my own recipe on the cafe menu.

I told you earlier that I came to Busan as a nursing tea, but I originally liked cooking, but as I got a little sick, I became interested in better ingredients, and I became more interested in homemade food rather than commercially available food.

Everyone knows it's better to hammock your own food. Also, in addition to food, the process of cooking and preparing meals is also called an act of awakening a person's self-esteem. However, the process from 1 to 10 for a single dish requires quite a lot of energy. From material care to large and small dishes...

It might be too much time to finish cooking once. So I love recipes that can be used here and there. That way, the second and third dishes are easy without being afraid. When I thought about classes, I thought it would be easier to approach this class if it was highly versatile and had nearby ingredients.

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