
How to write a report for a job manager that can be used directly in practice

8 chapters
English · Japanese · Korean|Audio Korean

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How to write a report by Kim Mara, published as a book!

Kim Mara, who has established herself as a popular report lecture in Class 101 <How to write a report for a job manager that is directly written in practice>It was also published as this book! Proven practical courses, meet them online!

※ This book is not provided during the course. ※

Have you experienced anything like this at your company?

  1. Every time I get a writing mission (report, proposal, etc.), it's hard to know what to write.
  2. There is no shooter who can learn how to plan and write documents.
  3. In the search box PPT template/ Report I searched for how to write, proposal form, and how to write a good plan.
  4. They receive a rough mission saying, “Please do research and report, prepare a plan, and summarize it on page 1.”
  5. I made it because I was worried, but I thought, “Um... “Please think more,” she is rejected for no reason.
  6. I've worked hard to organize it, but I don't know if everyone hasn't read my document, or I ask again.

If you've ever experienced even one Your future work life can also be difficult. No matter what you do in planning/marketing/sales/operations/strategy, documents are an essential communication tool at work!

PracticeCan be applied directly to How to write a documentI'll let you know. No matter what kind of mission you get in the future readily Documents that can be read with drunkennessI can write it down!

I'm Kim Mara, a 10th year planner in charge of strategy/planning for a large IT company.

I went from commerce and startups to my current IT company. I've been in charge of strategy/planning/managing a new project every time without a single routine job.

📍 The work I've been in charge of is like this.

  • Services/ Product/ Promotion Strategy Planning and Data Analysis Report
  • User interests/competitive industry research reports
  • Sales report, headquarters business plan production
  • New business launch strategy/planning/operation
  • Planning and proposing business partnership plans
  • Policy/process planning and notification
  • IT conglomerate intern recruitment task review committee

While doing this kind of work, I always had to write documents so that they were more visible, naturally Know-how to communicate through documentshas been piled up. The report is also clear easily, How to write wellThere is.

The reason we find it difficult to write reports!

“I haven't tried the proposal, so what form should I write it in..”
“I can't write clearly because I'm not good at writing..”
“If you want to write a persuasive document, you have to write it in the order of background/causes/analysis/conclusion...”

Common mistakes we make when writing company documents such as reports, proposals, and plans I think of a document as writing, and I think there are rules or forms that must be followed for each documentI'm doing it! That's why I'm worried that every mission I'm given will create a crappy document that goes against that law or form.

though Company documents are words, not textYou must know that! Every time I I can't call the general manager, external partners, and relevant departments one by one or write down line by line on KakaTalk, so I just transfer it.

When using an in-house messenger or KakaTalk, no one puts their hand on the keyboard and writes, “OK, let's write now,” right? The documentation is the same. When you write a talk, don't follow the “Funny Story Delivery Form”! Documents should also be melted like words, not according to forms and laws.

How to write a report for office workers who have been bothered by reports!

😩 In the meantime, I found the form and rules of the document and inserted them If you have created a document that can't be read

보고서 작성법

👉🏻 In the future, you will be able to select components yourself according to the mission and structure them so that they can be read smoothly!

보고서 작성법 2

  • Before starting the document, frameworkThings to think about in order to catch
  • To the document What to include Plan for yourselfDo it constituents How to decide
  • Documents so that they can be read with drunkenness structuringHow to do it
  • Documents even if you don't have a sense of design neatly How to make
  • In a single report pithHow to put

Learn what you need to think about before writing a report together, how to define components, how to structure, and how to implement it in a document based on real practice examples. These are the things you really need, and I'll let you know quickly and easily according to your eye level.

Also, KEY POINTSI plan to leave a summary of in the class notebook. I will give you plenty of practice of thinking and thinking rather than just taking notes, so that you can apply them directly to your work.

Your busy working hours will be a little easier.

보고서 작성법 3

Have you ever wanted to run away or feel heartbroken sometimes because of reports, right? If you join me in the future,

  • Even if you get a rough mission Start writing documents easilyYou will be able to do it.
  • In a document without missing or unnecessary content Compose only the essentialsYou will be able to do it.
  • The viewer is fast Create easy-to-understand documentsThis becomes possible.
  • Very even if you don't have a sense of design Clean, good-looking documentationYou will be able to create.
  • onward Don't search for or use PPT templates It will be.
  • Above all, about document production You'll be able to get rid of the feeling of frustration and fear.

Documents are a company's most representative means of communication. How hard would work be if I was constantly messing up? That's why It's not important to make a document “pretty”, but it's important to make it “delivered well”I will! (Because we're not designers.)

I'll be the shooter you need. Don't stress about documentation anymore!

🥰 Grateful reviews from students who took the actual class

수강생분들의 리뷰 1수강생분들의 리뷰 2

Class Kit · Coaching Session

📩 Get 1:1 coaching from Kimmara Pro! (2 times)

  • After attending the course, please send us the sample mission document given in chapter 6, and we will give you a detailed individual guide on what additional points should have been considered and what parts should be added more neatly.
  • To improve the difficulties experienced in practice If you send us a document that you have created or are creating, you can improve the structure method, content supplement, and design method that enhances readability based on practical experience We will give you feedback within A4 class.

Class Curriculum1

How to write a jobless report for practical use

Class details

Course started on March 31, 2020
Beginner Difficulty · Video 22 · Attached file 0
Korean voice
Korean · English · Japanese Subtitles




Hello, I'm Kim Mara, a 10th year employee working in planning in the IT industry.

Currently, the cumulative number of offline students is about 600. After 3 months of offline lectures, I had the grateful experience of attending a government office company and being invited to many lectures.

In the meantime, the work I've been entrusted with Since it was strategy/planning/management, we often communicated via email and documents.

When I was a beginner in society, I noticed it and made it, but I couldn't get enough of a response. How can I get my message across?With a focus on After thinking and developing, I now have my own strength and ability to come up with.

The beginning of the course was to organize my own methods to help my colleagues/friends in their requests to share their know-how. I hope documents alone will be of little help to you in the midst of a difficult and overwhelming work life :)

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  • All videos and materials included in the class are protected intellectual property under relevant laws.
  • You may face legal action if you copy, distribute, transmit, modify or edit the videos or materials included in the class without permission.
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