Life changes when mentals change, Park Se-ni's Practical Applied Psychology

11 chapters · 9 hours 29 minutes
English · Japanese · Korean|Audio Korean

Check out what classmates have to say!

“I've been working hard all my life, but it's hard to eat and live”

“They say it's crazy, but the sales performance is too poor.”

“I was fired from the company due to corona.”

“I don't feel motivated to do anything. I'm just going to keep sleeping.”

A very ordinary house where living expenses, tuition, and loans were tight,
No money, no connections,
A young man in his 20s who had nothing special to offer.

In my early to mid-twenties, my life was a series of setbacks. I couldn't see a path ahead because of my father's 200 million debts and my incompetent self. I couldn't figure out how to live my life. I lived in a library to find a way.

Now, 17 years later, my life is completely different from that time. Currently 200 million per monthEarning more than this Best Psychological Consultants in KoreaIt became. They have gained financial freedom and are living a completely different life.

Self-made, successful and relaxed, and happy with loved ones... The reason I can live this kind of life is because I have fully applied practical psychology to my life. Thanks to studying psychology Control over lifeI was able to have it.

If you don't get results no matter how hard you try, if you've lived insanely hard but can't eat right away I'm sure you'll find this class helpful.

I lived a life full of debt until my early to mid-twenties. Then, once I fully understood practical psychology, I helped people going through difficult times for 20 years. It has changed the lives of millions of people.

After all, isn't it just a story about catching a floating cloud after all?

Some people say this to me.

“If you think it's a practical psychology class, isn't it just about telling good stories after all?”

“Aren't they just talking about catching clouds, such as the need to think positively?”

I will definitely tell you. In the 20 years I've been teaching, I've never told a single story that can't be applied to practice. If I was a person who only talked about stories that caught the eye, why would so many economics and business YouTubers invite me to interview?

I appeared 12 times (most) on Sinsaiimdang's YouTube channel. In addition, we conducted numerous interviews with people active in the field, such as Lee Wun-kyu's Attorney Channel, Kim Jak Ga TV, and Dan Hee TV. The essence of the human being I'm talking about is in no way out of reality.

There are very few people working as “full-time” psychological consultants in Korea. Do you know why? This is because most psychological consultants focus on degrees, certifications, etc. without proper knowledge. I also received ridiculous jealousy from them, such as “Do you teach or do consulting without a certificate?”

People who do not have proper skills due to market logic cannot work as full-time consultants. Also, even if I work as a full-time consultant, I work hard to eat and live on a small income. I am Full-time psychological consultant for over 20 yearsIt is active as, Monthly revenue of over a billion unitsI'm earning.

If you want to be the best, you must learn from the best.

“If you think positively, everything will work out”

“Pray earnestly and draw goals in your head”

“Send energy to the universe”

“Write down your goals 100 times a day for 100 days”

I never talk about this kind of floating cloud catching in my class. Whether you're a salesman, a businessman, a student, an employee, or a professional, we'll show you how to achieve results right away in your field.

 수강생 후기

▶ ︎ Student reviews

A person who has been depressed for a long time since he was a child earned 10 million won a month as an insurance agent after taking my class.

For the first time, an insurance agent who earned about 20 million won from 10 million won per month earned 50 million won per month.

The person who runs the Sports Science Center has taken classes and explosively improved his business field. I was able to go out as a professor at 3 universities (including an adjunct professor) at a very early age.

A bank employee from Nonghyup took the class and performed excellently. As a result, only 6 of Nonghyup's tens of thousands of employees received the “Nonghyup Financial Impression” award.

The Chinese medicine doctor who took the class achieved the first place in the monthly sales area just one month after opening the clinic.

Lawyers who took the class received an incentive close to +1 billion in addition to the salary they had previously decided to receive.

▶ ︎ Salary rises vertically, I'm the king of insurance

Why the best in every field are looking for Park Se-ni for greater success

2019년 LPGA 우승 김세영 프로와 함께_ 투어 2주 전 집중 멘탈 코칭 끝나고 한 컷

With Kim Se-young, who won the LPGA in 2019, a cut after intensive mental coaching 2 weeks before the tour.

Knowing psychology and principles changes my thoughts, actions, and even my life. So the more people who have climbed to the top positions in the world, the more The importance of psychology and natureI know. That's why my Take full control of your lifeDo it, Path to successI was able to go to.

The same was true for Kim Se-young Pro. She was already a top golfer in the world, but she split her busy time and came to me. She was already realizing the importance of psychology and nature, and she didn't need long consultations because she completely trusted me.

Shortly after 6 hours of personal coaching with me, pro Kim Se-young won the CME Group Tour Championship (5 million dollars, 5.878 billion won). After losing 2 consecutive majors in 2020, he became the highest paid player in the LPGA.

For those who trust me and take classes, I will tell you what I have learned after studying and studying only one field of psychology for over 20 years. The core of practical psychology and the essence of lifeI'll tell you about it. We'll help you put what you've learned into practice right away.

I'll add one last thing.

Most people don't have control over their thoughts and feelings and live as if they are drawn to something. I feel like the world is out of my control by blaming fate or circumstances. Eventually, day by day, they compromise with reality and struggle to live their lives.

As a child, I also blamed my parents for bequeathing debts, envied the people around me, and blamed the frustrating world. However, as I understood the laws of how the world works and used my psychological knowledge, my life began to change.

Furthermore, I learned how to have a great influence on the thoughts of others. The person named “I” changed, the environment changed, and my life began to change. Then it turns out, naturally Financial freedomI also followed it.

I hope that through my knowledge and experience, many of you will be less frustrated, less unsuccessful, and less trial and error. Because of the changes that began with you, today will change, people around you will be happy, society will move, and the Republic of Korea will survive. I hope one day everyone will share this sense of happiness.

For the first time, Class 101 will reveal the core lecture content that was shared with only a few people due to the limited number of students and expensive training costs. No matter what expectations you take, you will feel more valuable and impressed.

Park Se-ni's practical application psychology, a lecture on changing the circumstances and conditions around you begins.

After taking this class,

☑️ Your income will increase several times from your current business.

☑️ When you meet people, your fears go away and you feel more confident.

☑️ Love and passion for work are ignited.

☑️ The idea of what to do in the current situation becomes clear.

☑️ Setting goals and taking action to generate economic wealth begins right away.

☑️ The problems that filled your head are clearly organized and solved.

☑️ I have a strong sense of confidence that I can do it too.

Class Kit · Coaching Session



Seni's Psychology

Seni's Psychology

Hallo I'm Park Se-ni, a psychological mentor.

It's a name that contains my father's desire to strengthen the country through strength, courage, and wisdom, and it seems that the name alone explains much of me.

Seventeen years ago, in 2004, I created the first professional psychological education program for students in Korea in 2004, and it helped many students and clients achieve many changes and achievements in their lives.

Currently, he is sharing some content through the YouTube channel 'Park Se-ni Mind Coaching' and is getting a good response from subscribers, and he is also the mental coach of the 2019 LPGA winner Kim Se-young Pro.

The most important things in your life are psychological 'knowledge' and 'mind control', and the ability to 'influence' the psychology of others. Put all of this together, in the end, life can change as much as you want depending on how powerful your mentals are, and hidden boulders only shine.

I believe psychology can change people's minds, thoughts, and lives.

I believe that through applied psychology that can be lived, breathed, and understood in everyday life, not just a theory in books, anyone of all ages can live a better today, be a better person, and create a brilliant future.

The biggest beneficiary of this education was myself. Because my life has completely changed. In addition, the changes and achievements of many trainees proved it.

In order to share this knowledge so that many people can have the best mentality in a short time, I have accepted the good proposal of Class 101.

I think I had a unique childhood that was a bit different from my other friends.

I remember that I first became interested in “hypnosis” when I came across hypnosis when I was in elementary school, and I was very infatuated with searching for all the hypnotic videos on foreign stages, reading hypnotism books, and playing hypnotic games with my friends. Since then, as I continued to study as a self-taught student in search of psychology books related to this, I realized that hypnosis can change the unconscious mind.

When I was a 21-year-old college student, I earned 15 million won by teaching hypnotherapy to adults, and I was completely infatuated with psychology and hypnotism, and continued my professional research and study.

Then I heard from my father, who was a middle school teacher, about the students' academic stress and psychological anxiety, and I learned that many students suffer from stress and psychosomatic symptoms as they are forced to study and compete at random without being able to properly control their minds.

I decided that I could greatly help students with mental management through the psychology I have been studying and researching, and in 2004, as a 28-year-old graduate student, I ran into the director's office of a large college boarding school without promise, and launched the field of psychological education for examinees that was not in Korea for the first time, proved its effectiveness in the first year, and expanded to college schools nationwide to nurture the psychological education industry and successfully established itself I did it.

It was the greatest happiness and reward of life to look at only one field of psychology for 17 years, to meet many people throughout the day without holidays, to pass on psychological knowledge, and to greatly change and inspire people. As a result, wealth, honor, and relationships have naturally followed me, and I am still living a happy life filled with passion and hope for karma.



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